Chapter 58

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Empire Chapter 58: Dreams Do Come True, a gossip girl fanfic | FanFiction

Chapter 58: Dreams Do Come True

Lux's Point of View

It still amazed me how even after everything Chuck put me through I still got butterflies in my stomach when he was near me. I wondered if that feeling would ever go away, and then I wondered if I ever wanted it to go away. He was always going to the thorn in my side that would cut me and leave me dripping blood all over the place, and then I'd be left to clean it up. I never should have allowed myself to be confined in close quarters with him this morning in the library. Chuck has the tendency to cloud my judgment and right now I need to be clear minded and focused on what's important in my life.

I wiped the thin layer of sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand as I followed Blair and the other girls across the moist freshly manicure field hockey lawn. The cold from the air conditioners running hit me as soon as soon as we walked through the double door doors of the school. I through my head back and soaked it up. The sun had blazed down on us the duration of gym class.

As we rounded the corner I almost smacked right into the back of Blair and Koti. I caught myself before I stumbled backwards and looked past Blair's perfectly pinned up bun to see Amanda standing at the end of the hall looking at one of the trophy cases. Oh god, this should be good. Right after Chuck submitted that intimate looking picture of Dan and Amanda to Gossip Girl the blast went out and the fun began. Blair immediately texted me that she was zoning in on Amanda like a sniper zoning in on its target. Blair looked at me over her shoulder deviously before she approached Amanda. Reluctantly, I followed along.

"Hey there, I'm Blair Waldorf. You're new here, right?" Blair introduced herself, innocently. Amanda gave us all a squeamish smile and shook Blair's hand.

"Yeah, I'm Amanda," she started to say, but was cut off by Blair. "Oh, that's not important. We'd like to invite you to lunch. " Blair stated, just diving right off the cliff. I half laughed and rolled my eyes as I crossed my arms over my chest. There was nothing subtle about Blair Waldorf.

"Oh, that's really sweet, but I sort of already have plans." Amanda chimed in quickly, looking around at the vultures circling all around her. This whole ordeal reminded me of a scene straight out of one of those cheesy corny lifetime movies that we all watch, but would never admit it to it out loud. You know the one, the one with the poor innocent 'new girl' being bullied by the pretty popular rich kid...

"We know, with Dan Humphrey." Koti piped up, not bothering to hide the level of disdain in her voice.

"It could be hazardous to your health- social, emotional." Penelope added a little too cheerfully. Amanda glanced around at all of us like a baby lamb about to be slaughtered. "Even physical..." Blair said as she let the field hockey stick she'd been holding in her hand 'accidentally' slip out of her grip and hit Amanda's foot.

"Blair," I hissed, touching her shoulder. I received the epic Blair-Stare in return and knew nothing I would say would be enough to get her to retract the claws. So, I did what I usually had to do and rolled with it.

"Look, you're new here and that's okay, but there are certain things that you aren't aware of when it concerns a certain Humphrey. He's off limits. Besides, boyfriends are so much less reliable than girlfriends. Trust me, I learned that first hand. We look out for each other." I said calmly and persuasively, sidling up next to Amanda. I slung my arm around her neck as a friendly gesture as she looked at me skeptically with her brown doe eyes and brushed a piece of her stringy reddish brown hair behind her ear.

"Exactly," Blair grinned, "So, what do you say?" She asked with a glint of accomplishment in her eyes.

"Okay, sure..." Amanda replied, a little unsure of us. I'd be a little intimidated of us too if I were in her position.

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