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Walking into school I was hit with a wave of confusion as I saw cops blocking the front entrance. I jogged to catch up with Tatum and Sidney as they were my main friends. "Do you know what's going on?" I questioned looking around at all the officers. There was no surprise when my eyes landed on Gale Weather doing what she does best.

"Didn't you hear? Casey Becker and her boyfriend were killed last night. And we're not just talking  killed, we're talking horror movie killed. They were ripped open, end to end. Her Mum and Dad found Casey hanging from a tree, her insides on the out." Tatum explained as Sidney nodded along.

"Wait for real? Do they know who did it?" I replied. Casey wasn't one of my close friends but she was definitely someone I got a long with well.

"Fucking clueless. I mean they're interrogating the whole school!"

"That explains the horde of cops." I sigh. They really believe someone from a highschool would be able to pull off something like that. Killing someone is already horrible enough, but gutting someone and hanging them from a tree is just plain cruel and whoever did this deserves to be punished.

I walked over to my locker and as soon as I opened a photo fell out. I picked up the photo to see it of me sleeping on my bed. Considering the previous incidents it freaked me out a lot more than it normally would, yes it would normally freak me out but I would probably brush it off as a stupid prank. I stuffed the photo in my bag looking around to see if anyone was looking.

I was approached by one of the office ladies.

"Lydia, you need to do an interview," she informed me.

"Lead the way," I replied, following behind her as she lead me to a room with two officers, one of which I knew personally and the principle.

"Officers, what can I do for you?" I asked.

"We'd just like to ask you a few questions about Casey Becker," 'Dewey' replied as he sent me a reassuring smile. "How well did you know Casey?"

"Well we sit together in math's. I would say we're friends but not very close ones that's for sure. We just kept each other company as we both had no one else in that class to sit with." I stated. My mind filled with flashbacks of all the times we'd get in trouble for speaking too loud and we'd always just laugh it off and mock the teacher afterwards.

"Did you guys ever argue about anything?"

"The only thing we ever argued about was who the better teacher was. She'd always say Mr Smith because he was the hottest where as I argued that Mr Taylor was because he'd let me sit out in sport."

"Okay Lydia, that's all. Thanks for your cooperation," the officer says. I got up leaving the room. I noticed all the other students whispering to each other most likely about the recent events. I make my way to my first class preparing for a day of gossip.

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