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I made my way inside the store to see it packed with people. I immediately walked over to the horror section as there was no way the boys would let me pick anything else. I noticed Stu went over to Randy whilst Billy trailed behind me looking like he was deep in thought. "What's got you thinking so hard?" I questioned as I observed all the choices of movies they were offering.

"Wouldn't it be nice if me, you and Stu could just leave town and start a new life, away from this crappy town?" He blurted. I turned around, confusion visible on my face.

"Well yeah, but why have you suddenly just started thinking about it? I mean we still have school to finish and what about the girls? They are my bestfriends,"

"Yeah, it was a stupid idea. Sorry for bringing it up," he sighed turning around to look at the shelves.

"No Billy, trust me I do want to leave this crappy town and there is no one else in the world I'd want to do it with more than you and Stu. I just wanted to know why this topic has all of a sudden crossed your mind," I exclaimed.

"I've just been thinking about our future together, that's all,"

"In that case, how about once we all graduate and finish school we all find a place to live outside of here? Does that sound like a good idea?" I suggested.

"I'm sure that could be arranged." He smiled.

We made our way over to where Stu and Randy were talking hearing the last piece of their conversation. "I'm telling you the Dad's a red herring, it's Billy." Randy was abruptly interrupted as he turned around only to have Billy grab his shirt, pulling him closer in a threatening manor.

"How do we know your not the killer?" Billy interrogated as Stu came up behind Randy caging him in so he had no where to run. "Maybe your movie freaked mind lost it's reality. You ever think of that?"

"You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it. If this was a scary movie I'd be the prime suspect," he agreed in attempt to get them to let them go.

"And what would be your motive?" Stu whispered.

"Its the millennium. Motives are incidental."

"Millennium. I like that." Billy muttered pinching Randy's nose in a mocking way. Randy looked over to me eyeing me for help.

"Okay boys. I think its time we leave otherwise we won't be able to have much time to ourselves." I interjected. They both pulled away from Randy leaving him to send me a thankful smile.

We chose what movies we are going to watch and we made our way to Stu's.

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