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I was sat between Billy and Stu as Tatum and Sidney conversed about the interrogations.  "What'd they ask you about?" Tatum asked as she shoved a grape into her mouth. I leaned over stealing one of them before I answered her.

"Simple questions like did I know Casey, how close were we. Nothing too bad."

"Did they ask you if you liked to hunt?" Stu asked directing his question towards Billy as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah they did. Did they ask you?" He replied to which Stu let out a quiet 'yeah'.

"Hunt? Why would they ask you if you like to hunt?"

"Because their bodies were gutted," Randy exclaimed.

"Thank you Randy," Billy said sarcastically, his eyes rolling in the process followed by a shake of the head.

"Why didn't they ask me if I like to hunt?" Tatum questioned as she gestured to herself.

"Because there's no way a girl could have killed him," Stu chuckled, earning a soft punch in the shoulder from me. "What it's true," he shrugged.

"That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female, basic instinct."

I turned towards Billy watching as he picked at his nails. "You okay?" I asked concern laced in my voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied lifting his head up to meet mine before he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Hey, can I come over tonight?" He asked.

"Well I don't see why not, and besides with a murderer on the loose I'd prefer not to be alone tonight." I agreed.

"Don't you worry your pretty little face. I won't let anything happen to you," he reassured me.

Listening back into the conversation Stu was explaining how you gut someone. "You take a knife and you slit them from the groin to the sternum,"

"It's called tact you fuck-rag,"  

"Hey Stu, didn't you used to date Casey?" Sidney asked. Stu took a glance towards me before he replied.

"Yeah, for like two seconds," he chuckled.

"Before she dumped you for Steve," Randy added. "And are the police aware that you dated the Victim?" he interrogated.

"What are you saying? That I killed her?" Stu questioned.

"Stu was with me last night, and besides there is no way he could ever do something like that. Right Stu?" I defended to which he nodded along.

"Right, was that before he sliced and diced?" Randy mocked. I stood up grabbing my bag along the way.

"I've had enough of this topic I'm going to head home now. See you guys later." I waved good-bye as I made my way home. I went straight to my room to make sure it was clean and ready for Billy when he comes by when I noticed what appears to be another photo taped to the window. It was a photo of me in the shower covered by the screen but the silhouette still showing.

"What on earth?" I mumble. I screw the photo up and threw it in the trash before I go and check to see if everything is locked.

The phone rings shaking me out of my state of fear.


"Hello, Lydia." A deep voice echoes through.

"I'm sorry do I know you?" I question playing with the chord.

"Look behind you!" The voice shouts. I turn around in a flash to see nothing there.

"I'm hanging up now." I say as I slam the phone down. As soon as I put the phone back I hear a noise behind me only to see Billy standing there about to knock.

I rush over to the door, unlocking it to let him in.

"Billy! Hey, come in." I gesture for him to enter.

"Who were you talking to, you look like you've seen a ghost." He asks placing his hand on my back and rubbing softly.

"Oh, no one. It was just a silly prank call. Nothing to stress about," I reassure him. "Come on, lets go up stairs,"

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