𝘒𝘪𝘮 𝘵𝘢𝘦𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘨

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Bad girl's club


Khadija x Lauren (Made up characters.) [Based on Bad girls clubs fights I've seen]

"Bro, Lauren keeps talking about you." One of my only friends, Tasha, told me. I just rolled my eyes. "When is she not, i don't understand what I've done to her, i barely speak to her." I let out a sarcastic laugh. "You can't ever have a quite conversation especially when it's about someone." Lauren came from downstairs into my room looking for trouble. "That's the whole point dumb ass." I rolled my eyes once again and turned over in my bed not wanting to deal with her punk ass right now.

"Whatever." She scoffed and started muttering things under her breath. "Bitch, if you finna say something about it say it to my face the fuck." I bolted out the bed and followed her outside. 

"Stop following me, what's your problem hoe." I was really starting to lose my patience with this chick. "First of all, don't go around disrespecting me and calling me a hoe and second, you can't even say things to my face so what's up, say it to my face." I got all up in her face as she did the same. 

"Your a fake fucking bitch, and you don't belong here, there you happy i said it to your face." She started to raise her voice. Before i could swing for her i already felt myself being pulled back. I started kicking my feet and having a tantrum breathing heavily as i was carried back to my room by one of the security men. 

"Thanks Bryson, i got it from here." Another male voice cut off my screaming. I looked up to see Taehyung standing at the top of the stair case. Bryson nodded and let go of me. Taehyung grabbed my hand and dragged me to my room and i still heard Lauren shouting at me from outside. 

"She keeps trying me, like anyone actually likes her, what the fuck." She kept making me even angrier if that was possible. "Shut up slut." I yelled at her. "I'm not the slut here honey. I mean look at you, i see you with the fucking security guard bitch." At that point i lost it.

I sprinted back down the stairs and found her outside laughing her ass of like something was funny. "You ain't gon be laughing for long bitch, imma knock the teeth outcha mouth you foul bitch." I swung for her, hitting her straight in her jaw. "She just hit me, guys she just hit me." Lauren laughed and screamed and tried to hit me back but missing several times. Some of the other girls came running out to see what was going on, most of them were half naked with titties still hanging out. Speaking of titties mine were literally on the edge of spilling out my sports bra. 

Lauren ended up getting a couple of kicks but overall she got her ass beat. And yes eventually i was yet again dragged away. Taehuyng threw me over his shoulder while trying to soothe me. I just wouldn't listen, i kept hitting his back telling him to let me go as i wasn't finished with that rat. 

We entered my room once again and this time he locked the door and pinned up against it holding my wrists so i couldn't leave and run for Lauren again. "Calm down, hey look at me, don't let her words get to your head okay, her words were just tossed around and they were meaningless okay." He looked straight into my eyes. We stayed silent before i spoke up. "I'm gonna get kicked out the house, Lauren always wins bro i hope she falls in a ditch." I ran my hair though my hair. 

"No, you won't, she was just looking for a reaction."

"And she fucking got one, but to be honest, i'd do that shit again." I smiled knowing i finally beat her ass. Taehyung quickly shot me a boxy smile and kissed my cheek. 

"Khadija, open this fucking door." Tasha pounded. Taehyung let go of me and unlocked the door and opened it. "Girl, you could get in trouble, you know the rules. And plus i can't lose you especially when you know Natalie is on my back recently." She shouted at me while hitting me with her pillow. I just laughed pushing her off of me. "Bitch whatever happens you're still my best friend, like it is what it is baby." I gave her a quick hug before she left the room probably to go to the phone room to talk to her man. 

"You're not going anywhere don't worry." Taehyung came up to me again and kissed the top of my head. I stood up and engulfed him in a hug in which we started rocking from side to side. It was the most peace I've had in this god forsaken house. Well that did not last long before we heard girls arguing. I ignored it until i heard someone call my name. 

"Khadija, get down here, Tasha is fucking shit up." I laughed a little and kissed Taehyung on the lips before running downstairs together to try and grab Tasha off of Natalie. 

"We finna get kicked out together bitch." She fixed her weave and smiled panting from swinging so much. I just laughed and dragged her back upstairs.

Before i could shut the door, Taehyung quickly stopped the door with his hand and foot. "Yeah?" I asked before tilting my head to the side.  "So since you might not have very long left in the house, can i take you on a date before you go back home." He nervously looked down while trying to hide his blushing cheeks. 

"Of course you can." I quickly pecked him on the cheek  and went to close the door again until i heard some annoying ass voice. "Oh so i was right, you are fucking with the security guard, just proved my point of being a slut." I looked at taehyung who just had a tired look on his face knowing he'll have to hold me back. "You little rat, what is your fucking problem with me, like my name seems to be all that you know." I yelled in her face ignoring taehyung's calls to me.

And i once again beat her ass, as i should. 

So um, the language in this is um- vulgar... But like I've been watching bgc all day and i find it so entertaining when they fight so i decided to make an imagine out of it. Hope you enjoyed biatch.

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