𝙅𝙪𝙙𝙚 𝘽𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙝𝙖𝙢

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Had to make one for my husband tbh. But we won't talk about how this has been gathering dust in my drafts since August...

This also takes place a few years down the line

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"Praise god." I huffed as I sat down on the sofa putting my feet up. Me and my boyfriend Jude have been out and about all day getting things done before our son's 3rd birthday party. He had very specific instructions about the theme he wanted, who he wanted to come and you best believe Jude went into hysterics when our son said that he didn't want me there. He's always been a daddy's boy ever since he was born. Grayson only wanted to be around me when it was time to eat. Which I was grateful for since I make the best food ever. 

I then remembered that I didn't bring my heated blanket into the living room with me and I didn't have the energy to get it. "Jude!" I called out to him. "Yeah?" He called back from upstairs, I assumed he was playing on the PlayStation. "Come here a sec." I laid back on the sofa and waited for him. "What's up?" He asked still holding the controller in his hand. "Can you grab my heated blanket from the bedroom please?" I smiled at him. "Why can't you get it yourself?" He whined. "Did you push out a 7 pound baby? Didn't think so." I rolled my eyes. "That was almost 3 years ago." He laughed. "Your point is?" 

"I'll be back in a second." He sighed in defeat and went upstairs. He came back down a few seconds waddling with my massive blanket blocking his view. I'm surprised he didn't fall down the stairs. "Thank you so much." I smiled taking it from him and snuggling into it. "Hmm you're welcome, what you watching?" He asked leaning against the nearby wall. "Real housewives of Atlanta. You should watch it with me." I said looking back to the tv. "I'm good thanks." He laughed going back upstairs. 

I turned up the tv due to Jude screaming way too loud upstairs. I was just trying to hear Porsha argue with someone. Not long after, I heard him coming downstairs I didn't pay attention to him since I was too interested in what was playing. He came and laid down on the sofa and out his head on my lap. 

"You know what?" He spoke up. "What?" I turned down the tv and looked down at him. "I think we should have another kid." He smiled up at me. "When you marry me then we can have that conversation." I simply smiled back. "I'm working on that." He said. "Relax, there's no rush." I laughed lightly pecking him on his lips. "Have you been using my lip balm?" I asked tasting it on him. "What are you on about?" He looked away towards the tv. "Look at me." He slowly turned his head. I tried not to burst out laughing. "Did you use my lip balm?" He didn't answer but he just gestured to me saying he used a little. "So you did?" 

He nodded. "So when I asked you if you needed anything when I went to get stuff like that you said no." I stifled a laugh. "I didn't need it when you asked me at the time, and I only ran out this morning." He shrugged.  "This conversation is over, sharing is caring." I sarcastically laughed. "You know you love me." He said closing his puckering his lips and closing his eyes. I gave in and kissed him, which led to a make out session which was cute ig.

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