𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦

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A/N: I didn't know who to write about, so i'm leaving it up to you guys :)


TW: mentions of drugs, drug usage, mentions of alcohol.

"y/n are you coming with us?" I looked up to see my 3 friends staring at me waiting for an answer.

"Where are you going?"
"We're going to the courts, there having a little party for my friends birthday."
"Sure why not." I smiled.

While arriving at the park that was just a 5 minute walk from where we were we went straight to the courts where there was lights seeing as it was pitch black. There was a fair few people, none of them were recognisable, but I wasn't bothered.  We immediately floated towards a group of boys doing freestyles. People were starting to get hype and there was drinks a weed being passed around. 

I'm not much of a smoker but I do drink so when the bottle of vodka was passed around I took a huge gulp. I didn't plan on getting drunk but I needed to feel a little buzzed so I could get through the night easier and I also had work in the morning. 

After a few minutes of just speaking to people we went to an empty side of the basketball court and watched some of the guys playing basketball. While watching them, my eyes drifted to this guy who was only wearing some jeans with no shirt. Middle of February and you have no shirt on, he must have been freezing. Nonetheless I watched him admiring his features, he was really good looking

"Oh my god Asher looks so fine." My friend mariposa said. "Girl, your literally dribbling, stop being thirsty." I said. They all laughed and my friend Kia choked on her vape. 

"Hey guys." The guy I was thirsting over came over to us. His eyes were drooping and the were red. He couldn't even stand straight. "Hi." We all replied. "I don't even know you guys but I'm so gone right now so I'm talking to everyone. My name is H/n"

"Nice to meet you, I'm y'n." I said first. "Can I have a hug?" He asked. "Of course you can." I laughed. I went in for hug and he embraced me tightly. I was slightly taken back but hugged him a little tighter to reciprocate the energy. 

"You smell really nice." 

"Thanks." I smiled. "Hi I'm Mariposa but call me Mari." She said. 

He eventually hugged us all and we kept the conversation going. "Can I ask you guys a question?" He said leaning on the fence. 


"How many of you guys are in relationships?" We all looked at each other and my friend Kia and Ally raised their hands. "So you and Kia are single?" He said. We both nodded and he smiled. "Okay, because I don't want you guys to feel uncomfortable when you have boyfriends." 

"That's so nice." Ally said. "But can I just say you two are really good looking." He pointed to me and Mari. "Aw thank you." We both smiled. 

"Can I have another hug." He looked at me. "Sure." He hugged me again the same way as before. 

"Are you not cold?" Ally asked him. "I'm literally on ecstasy right now." He admitted. "Fair enough." 


About 15 minutes later, the courts got shut down so all of us went to the skate park next to it. We all sat on the ramps and engaged in conversation with each other. 

While taking cute videos with Kia, H/n came and sat down right next to me, He was really invading my personal space but I was okay with it since I was freezing. 

"Is that your vape?" He asked pointing to the vape in my hand. "Yeah you want some?" I offered. "If that's okay with you?" I nodded and passed it to him. "Thanks gorgeous." I felt my face getting hot at the nickname. 

"Do you do molly?" He asked. "No I don't." 

"I love it. Even though I can't see straight."

"Is that why you're making direct eye contact with me right now?" I asked looking at him. "Yeah, is it making you nervous?" 

"A little, but you can carry on cus I don't want you to pass out." He smiled at me and put his arm around me. 

"I see you y/n." Kia smirked at me as she looked at us. "Literally shut up." I said giving her the finger. 

A little while had passed and it was nearing 8 o clock. "Y/n it's getting late we're gonna get going are you coming?" Kia and the rest my friends stood up. "Oh yeah." I stood when I was dragged back down. 

"Don't leave me." H/n began to whine as he clung onto my arm. "I have to, It's late." I laughed. "I was enjoying your company." I stood up again and this time he joined. "I'm gonna walk to you to the front of the park." He said. "Okay then."

"Can I have your snapchat?" He asked as he stopped walking. I turned to face him. "Sure." I pulled out my phone and opened my snapchat. "What's your user?" 

He gave me his name and I added himself. "Okay see you h/n, it was nice to meet you." I waved. "Can I have another hug?" He held out his arms. "Okay." I smiled and gave him yet another hug. 

"Y/n come on!" Kia shouted. "Coming!" I yelled back. "Bye." I waved and ran off. 

"Who was that?" I overheard his friend. "Y/n. I like her."

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