#19: School

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Every teenagers should go to school to learn, to be successful and all the good things, amen.

But why must the teachers bath their students with homeworks, useless projects that'll you throw anyway, and do some freaking activities that's actually scheduled right after the exam like nuh-uh.

Then the teacher will assign a class project like THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW THE OTHERS AREN'T PRODUCTIVE IN SCHOOL.

They don't even understand how boring their class is. I mean, why are you doing some presidential speech shit like talking like a bear in hibernating season alias winter.

They would also be annoyed if I yawn or fell asleep but puh-lease, I can explain. Science suggests sleeping 8-10 hours but with all the shits and chores to do, I feel like my brain is slowly sinking to the depths of Pacific.

On Thursday, we have this club meeting (I'm in Math and Writing) thing that actually consists of surfing the net because the 'teacher' is doing something. IT'S ALREADY JANUARY, ARE YOU REBUILDING THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA OR WHAT.

And those really annoying lessons that has been discussed since my ancient first grade, and you just wanna yell I KNOW THAT SINCE ICE AGE WHY YOU KEEP REPEATING THAT, IS THIS A JOKE

im so happy today haha xx how are you?

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