#20: Ads Ads Ads

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One of the most annoying thing that has landed on the planet is advertisement. It's not a bad thing to advertise, but those really irritating ads that appears every five seconds of your life, ya agree.

So you're like playing whatever that game is and this random Clash of Clans advertisement comes out and you're like cool. But then it popped again like EXCUSE ME BUT CAN YOU NOT. Then it just pops everytime like you just want to throw your phone but your phone's gloriously expensive so.

And those longass advertisement in Youtube, like I get it, you want to get promoted but a length of 4 minutes ad is overrated. SERIOUSLY, I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT THAT TOOTHPASTE BENIFITS, I JUST WANT TO WATCH SPONGEBOB PLS.

And those advertisements in really good books, like there's this character that died and it was so sad then the comment section's full of sad emojis and there's this guy:



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