bubble update - one

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[100121] hyunjin's update 🌧

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[100121] hyunjin's update 🌧

"wahhh the performances today!~"

"our first time performing 'first love' did you like it y/n? ^_^."

"it's fun watching our youngest perform catallena!"

"i wish i could perform that song!"


[100121] siyeon's update 🐺

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[100121] siyeon's update 🐺

"y/n my mom called me today to tell me my abracadabra performance was too sexy ㅋㅋㅋ."

"everyone was asking for movie recommendations from me on the online fan sign!!"

"a good movie i watched recently is i, tonya."

"it's a bit sad really but good :)."

"sleep well and eat today y/n!!"

"sleep well and eat today y/n!!"

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[100121] sumi's updates 🦕

"y/n what's your favourite song on the album?"

"i like first love !! did you watch the performance?~"

"ahhh~ it was a hard thing to do, my stomach is still hurting right now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ."

"for some reason everyone suddenly came to sleep in my room tonight ㅋㅋㅋㅋ."

"goodnight y/n."

[100121] sora's updates 🐙

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[100121] sora's updates 🐙

"aaaaH~ i miss my black hair!!!"

"do you think i should dye it back y/n?"

"people say they liked my orange hair but i really hated it!!!"

"haechan teased me a lot ㅠ.ㅠ."

"i feel like invading sumi unnies room ㅋㅋㅋ should i do it?"

"i feel like invading sumi unnies room ㅋㅋㅋ should i do it?"

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[100121] talia's updates 🐰

"i'm thinking of adopting a dog!! what breed is the cutest these days?"

"i'm thinking too much these days..."

"of y/n of course~"

"someone take this app away from me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ."

"i was in the recording studio this morning 👀."

[100121] kimberly's updates 🦌

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[100121] kimberly's updates 🦌

"i want to watch back our performance but i'm too scared ㅠ.ㅠ i'm not sure why."

"wahhh~ i found so many predebut pictures!! should i post them y/n~?"

"thank you for all of the awards y/n~!"

"let's all eat a lot and be happy today!"

"our outfits today strangely reminded me of when i first debuted! can you feel the same vibes?"

"our outfits today strangely reminded me of when i first debuted! can you feel the same vibes?"

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[100121] mei's updates 🦒

"i had fun watching movies with sumi unnie this morning, time for work!!!!"

"i think you'll be happy with our surprise performance today y/n!!"

"it's cold these days, let's wrap up warm y/n~!"

"me and talia are thinking of getting a dog, i know she's not going to clean it so it's my responsibility in the end ㅠ.ㅠ."

"should i~? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ."

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