nothing breaks like a heart

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


the seven girls were scattered all across the practice room floor, some recovering the choreography, some drinking water, others calming down, and then there was talia. slouched with her legs criss-crossed, trying to still catch her breath.

the girls had been working extremely hard for their comeback. it had only been three months since the release of their last mini album, and three months since they had been onstage performing. and despite the blood, sweat and tears that came before it, elysian truly did miss performing.

so they were more than ecstatic with the news of their new comeback and upcoming album plans. every day they had been in the practice room from the early hours of dawn, to the tiring hours of the night, it was an ongoing cycle. but they knew performing was really want they wanted to do, and they were nothing but happy when on stage. the seven of them had agreed to truly focus on this comeback together, to prove to everyone that they truly deserve to be where they are, and practice extra hard.

so the six other girls were quite confused when they heard the loud shrilling ringtone which came from talia's phone that sat in her right hand.

"talia, we promised no phones in the practice room," leader, moon, sighed. she knew it was hard, the girls have never worked so hard on a comeback, but these were the consequences when becoming an idol, and they knew that.

"i'm sorry, but it's jisung, what if he's in trouble?" the younger girl replied, almost too quickly, a few of the girls rolled their eyes, while the others just awed at how in love she was. the oldest glanced at the phone, and then to talia, who was trying to pull her best version of 'puppy dog eyes' she's ever attempted. being the youngest of her family, she usually got what she wanted, but, it took moon a few seconds before allowing her to answer the phone, "stay here though, and make it quick."

"hey jisungie, is anything wr—" being the nosy girl's they are, the rest of elysian almost snapped their necks when they heard how quick talia was cut off, why had the practice room suddenly gone so quiet? they felt suffocated by the tension.

the youngest got up from her space on the floor to gossip with hyunjin, who was also immersed in what was going on. "you think he cancelled movie date this week?" she joked, making the main vocalist chuckle.

on the other side of the room though, it was anything but funny. "what are you talking about?" talia asked, in a hushed tone almost, as if she didn't want the others to hear. "i'm, sorry, it was just, i got lonely, and she was there and—" the boy on the other line didn't even get a chance to finish. the thing was, he knew what he did was wrong, in fact, it had been going on longer then he'd ever admit, but it was a toxic habit, and he couldn't bring himself to stopping.
"so you decided to kiss her? what's wrong with you?" the girls were no longer laughing now, they could see the hurt in talia's face, and as the two continued to argue on the phone, they knew it wasn't going to end well.

"fuck you, you cheated on me because i was busy building a name for myself, you should know exactly what that's like jisung, this is my passion, and so i couldn't meet up with you for a date, so instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt, you meet up with another girl? don't call me again, it's over," there were tears running down her face as she slowly slid down the wall, finally collapsing to the floor and bursting out in to tears.

the six girls felt the anger bubble up inside them just from hearing talia sob. "i'm gonna kill him, i'm serious," kimberly muttered to herself as they all rushed over to pull the girl in to a hug and comfort her.

"it's okay, he's not worth your tears, okay?" angel says, rocking her back and forth in her arms, slowly patting the younger's back. she didn't even know the full story, but she knew talia didn't deserve what was happening, and she could feel the younger girls hurt. her heart felt heavy feeling talia shake and hearing as she hiccuped on her own painful cries, it's almost as if the girls could her talia's heart break in that very moment, theirs following.

"you need to calm down okay, just breathe, in and out, okay, you're doing well," hyunjin's encouragement and angel's warm embrace slowly calmed down the girl and after a few minutes, her weeping had quieted down to a few sniffles.

"i'm sorry, it's really unprofessional and everything i just—"
"hey, you don't need to apologise to us, ever, okay, we're here for you, we're more than just a money making girl group, this isn't about professionalism when we're together, we're family, remember that okay?" moon told her, as she slowly stroked her hair, "we're so proud of you, and you know what, just like miss a said, you don't need man, right? we just need each other, forever." sora's joke made the girls laugh and they felt a little more relieved to see a smile on talia's face.

"how bout we ditch practice and go get something to eat?" mei suggested, glancing around then girls to see their reactions, after all, she didn't want to be scolded for being so careless. "yeah, actually, let's do that," talia spoke up for the first time, her voice was slightly croaky, but so soft, and it was almost like music to their ears, because they weren't hearing her cry anymore.

"let's go, we deserve this." angel tapped talia's arm, pulling her up to her feet and in to a hug, "we love you okay, we're in this together."

*✧・゚:* a/n: literally me @ jisung rn, bc who tf cheats on ms

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*✧・゚:* a/n: literally me @ jisung rn, bc who tf cheats on ms. talia jung? lmao anyways, i'm not sure if people will like these kinds of chapters but i really wanted to do more scenarios. if you want me to focus more on elysian as a group other then their personal dramas and scenarios, then let me know !! i saw oomf say they don't really like these kinds of chapters, so i decided to morph it into basically showing their love for each other if that makes sense, anyways i hope you liked it !! :)

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