how did i get here? the red head looked down at the now soaked through bandage that was wrapped around her left leg. they didn't leave me in this mess, right? before she could spare another thought the interrogator hurried in with nothing but a pen and paper.
"sora mizuno, that's your name?" she nodded. the man had a calm tone in his voice, it made the girl feel a little more relaxed, but she remembered what dino had told her.
"never let your guard down, everyone is against us now, we only have each other, we'll look after you, don't worry."
but here she was, sitting in the police station, blood dripping down her leg, and all she could think about was if the boys were okay. if they were even alive.
"you're from japan, what brought you here?" she knew he was trying to make her feel safe around him, but she wasn't going to let her guard down, no, she's going to get out of here.
when she didn't answer the bigger man let out a soft sigh, decided to just get to the point. "do you know why you're here?"
of course she knew, the whole country knew. everyone was listening in, watching, waiting for more updates on the criminals who were overtaking south korea's news. but no matter how much everyone knew, no one knew the truth.
they first met on a friday night. she was soaked in blood, but despite the warm liquid that almost stung her flesh, she felt completely numb. "where to?" "just drive."
he seemed way too calm for someone who had just stolen a car, but luckily, sora had thought nothing of the expensive luxury they were cruising in. it really didn't match his dirty jeans and blistered lips.
it was too silent for a duo who had just committed high level crimes. from the now dried blood on her lower body to her shaking hands, it was pretty obvious to dino what had happened. she'd just killed somebody, and even though she would confess this later on, it still shocked him. as for sora, she was in a trance, although she couldn't tell whether the car was his or not, she felt like something wasn't right.