Chapter One

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All the characters belong to J.K. Rowling. Some information is taken from Pottermore.

July Thirty-First 2014

I was laying wide awake in my bedroom staring at the ceiling. It was eleven thirty and I still hadn't fallen asleep. My head was pounding, probably because all the mayhem that had happened hours earlier. My father's thirty-fourth birthday was today. So that meant that our whole family had to visit. Which was eleven cousins, six uncles, four aunts, two grandparents, and about ten of his close friends and their kids. It was insane.

Once when I even went to the bathroom to try to get alone, I found Teddy and Victoire in there alone just talking. Victoire screamed at me to get out, that she and Teddy needed some time alone.

'Go away James! We're trying to talk here, don't you see? We just need some time alone right now! So get out!'

Like I didn't know what that meant. I'm the third oldest of all my cousins, next to Dominque and Victoire. Their younger brother, Louis, is almost the same age as me. Though I am about five months older than him, which mean he won't be in the same year as me whenever we get to Hogwarts.

I try to focus on something simple. Tomorrow will be exactly one month before I go to Hogwarts for the first time. It just seems so exhilarating. Last thing I knew, I still had about nearly nine months before I was going to go. I will be the oldest of my siblings to go to Hogwarts, well unless you count Teddy.

Teddy is my 'God Brother', I guess. His parents died when he was a few days old and they had already decided is anything happened to them that he would live with his Grandmother and my dad. Most of the time he stays with Auntie Andromeda. Well, she's not technically my Aunt. My siblings, Al, Lily, and I just call her that.

My eyelids get heavy. I can't stay awake anymore. But just as I am about to dose off for good, I hear voices.

"Lily wouldn't go to sleep. I think we let her have too much cake," I heard my mum say. She must be in the living room downstairs. I creep out of my bed careful to not make any noise. I silently push my door open. Once I make it down the hallway I sit on the very top step of the staircase, making sure to be as quiet as possible.

My parents are sitting on the couch in the living room. The warm glow of the fireplace bounced off the wood floors, illuminating the room with a bright orange-red color. My mother held in her hand, a book. While my father was reading through birthday cards people had sent him. It was a very thick pile. For some reason, almost everyone knew my dad.

"Well, at least she's in bed now. We can finally have some peace and quiet," My dad replies. I jump. I had forgotten where I was for a moment.

They are silent for about two minutes until my dad says, "Can you believe this!?"

"What?" My mother asks.

"Rita's new book was released today. It's on the front page of The Daily Prophet. Though I doubt it's as bad as the biography she wrote about me a few years ago."

Biography? The Daily Prophet? My parents told me they didn't read the prophet because it was all rubbish. Why is dad reading it? And what does he mean 'biography'? The name Rita seems a little familiar as well. I think I remember something my Uncle Ron had said a few weeks ago.

'Did you see Rita's article! 'Dumbledore's Army Reunites At Quidditch World Cup Final'. She never stops does she? Doesn't she realize that we work at the ministry now? We could easily arrest her, we know the fact that she's an illegal animagus!'

"The one that no one will shut up about?" My mother says with a hint of disgust. "Dumbledore's Army: The Dark Side Of The Demob. God, I can't imagine the lies that are filled within those pages!"

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