Chapter Four

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August Seventeenth 2014

I found my parents downstairs in the kitchen. Mum was talking to Lily about something and my dad was looking over a report for work. So I'd just found out my mother and father had been keeping from me that they are famous for finding a 'Secret Chamber' in Hogwarts. I don't see how I haven't noticed it for the past eleven years. Mum was right. She knew that we would find out sooner or later....

'Eventually they're going to realize how everyone knows their names. Why reporters follow us around. They will find out, and when they do....'

Though I honestly don't see how this Chamber is such a big deal. But the fact that they kept it from me.... I guess I should try confronting them about before I jump to any big conclusions yet.

But, what should I even say? 'Hey mum, dad. Can I talk to you how you've been hiding the fact that you're famous for killing a giant basilisk and finding a secret chamber when you were just nearly my age?'

I don't really think that seems appropriate.

Without really thinking, I pushed ahead into the kitchen. Mum managed to take her eyes off Lily for a second and saw me.

"Mum, dad," the words fell out of my mouth, "I really need to talk about something. In private." I added looking at Lily.

"Lily. Go up to your room, we can talk about that mean muggle girl across the street some other time," Mum says kindly to Lily.

Lily walks up to her room muttering, "I jus wanted to play! How does dat make me a freak? You're de one with de strange muggle family who-"

"Lily," Mum says.

"Sorry mummy," she says sheepishly, running up the stairs.

"What do you need to talk about, James?" My dad asks looking up from his report for the first time since I had walked into the room.

"Well- er- do you remember the book Aunt 'Mione got me for my birthday two years ago? The one about Hogwarts?" I ask.

"Yes," My mother says eying my father very quickly, "What about it?"

"You see, er-.... The Chamber of Secrets," I blurt out. "I know how you were taken down to the Chamber and how dad had to rescue you."

"Er- yes that's true," My father says very carefully, as if he was being cautious to say the correct thing. "What about it?"

"How come you've never told me about it?" I ask.

"I guess, it wasn't that big of a deal," Mum says.

"'That big of a deal'?" I ask. "You found a hidden chamber in the school. You were possessed by a bloody psychotic book. How is that not a big deal?"

"Look James," my father says putting his hand on my shoulder. "Er- it's been twenty-two years since that has happened. The reason we didn't tell you about the Chamber is that we were afraid that you might go looking for it once you got to school. We were just concerned about your safety. Plus, some of those memories are not very pleasant to remember."

The way he said that made it sound rehearsed, that he had been reading a script or something. It was a lie- I knew it. Another lie. Maybe I can catch him off guard, ask some more questions.

"How did you know to get into the Chamber though? I mean the location was secret."

"With a little help from your Aunt 'Mione of course. She of course had worked how the monster had been navigating the school through the pipes. So your Uncle Ron and I had finally pinned down the exact location in the school," Dad says.

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