Chapter Two

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August First 2014

"Good morning James. Did you sleep well?" Mum asked me.

"I guess," I mutter. "Where's dad?"

"Oh, he's already left for work. It's been a little busy at the ministry lately."

"Oh. Okay," I say. Dad doesn't usually leave for work this early.

"James," My mother says catching my eyes. "Is anything wrong?"

Should I tell her what I heard last night? Should I ask about it? No. I can't. But if it really is a big secret.... Ugh! I hate decisions.

"Er-" I say, "No. I guess it just finally dawned on me that I'm going to Hogwarts next month."

"Yes. I remember the month before I first left for Hogwarts. It was difficult. Me being the youngest in the family.... And unfortunately that was the year with the diary."

"Diary?" I ask.

"Er- nothing. Forget I said anything."

I was obviously not going to forget that. But at that moment Lily, my six year old sister, came staggering down the stairs.

"Whas for breakfas?" She asks groggily.

"Well, what do you want?" Mum asks her.

"Pancakes!" She says, eyes growing big.

"James?" My mother turned to me.

"I'll just have some bacon," I say.

She sighs and mutters, "I swear, you are getting more and more like your Uncle George everyday."

I smile. George was my favorite Uncle. He owns a Joke Shop in Diagon Alley, Weasley's Wizards Wheezes. I want to be just like him when I grow up. I don't tell my mom this though, she'd probably want me to get a ministry job like my dad or something. Something 'practical'.

After about three minutes, I'm eating my bacon and Lily is happily pouring syrup on her pancakes.

"Lily?" I ask. "Are you trying to drown your pancakes."

"No," She says. "I jus really like syrup."

I snort. I don't think I liked syrup that much when I was her age.

After about two more pieces of bacon, Al, my brother, comes walking into the kitchen.

"Good mornin'." He says stealing a piece of bacon off of my plate.

"Hey!" I say, "That's mine!"

"Was," Al corrected taking a bite. Lily giggles at him.

"Boys," mum says, "Be nice."

"But we are, mum," I say.

She sighs, "James."

"What?" I ask.

"You know I'm not going to put up with this behavior forever." She says.

"What behavior?"

"Never mind," She says, "Just-"

At that moment, the muggle telephone(which we hardly ever use) rang. My mother quickly glided across the room, and answered.

"No," she said. "He just left for work, sorry. If you were to call later...."

I shrugged and continued to eat my breakfast. Probably somebody who works with my father, but I don't see why they wouldn't just send him an owl. It's much easier than the telephone in my opinion.

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