how long will trust last

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" they seem to be smart" I said looking at the crowded  scene.

" Can you please shut up or I'll tie you up until you do so" chishiya said  looking at me. I put my hands up to surrender.

" Who knows I might want to-" I continued a sheepishly smile on my face but then  chishiya pushed me against the wall  not making a sound .

" Looks like you chose to be punished " he said  sliding his hands down my waist while his other hand  holding my neck.

" Are you gonna choke me" I replied winking at him.  He turned away and looked at the  scene below as everyone started fighting and shouting and dying.

" We better go" I said looking at him until someone busted the door open  below us shouting and firing bullets.

" YOU BASTARDS ILL KILL YOU ALL" Niragi  exclaimed.  I then looked at chishiya a shocked  expression on his face as NIragi made his entrance.

" I take it when you said you had someone to take care of it was him" I  whispered  to chishiya as NIragi started a war below us.

Before anything else could continue someone started shouting in the crowd.

" ARAGHHHHHHHHHH" Aguni shouted running towards Niragi as bullets entered his body , he winced in pain but still made it near Niragi and grabbed him and continued running forward not seeing them again in the room.

" That was quite the scene" chishiya said grabbing my hand as we left where we stood.

"What are you going to do now" I asked him as we headed down the stairs .

" Getting the cards, meeting up with kuina  and getting the hell out of here" he said  in a smooth voice yet it sounded quite hurried and in a rush.

I only nodded in response his hands still wrapped  around mine, our fingers  rested against each others touch .

Suddenly chishiya clicked his fingers Infront of me.

" Hey stop dozing off your gonna fall watch your step kitty" he waved his hands Infront of my face then I gladly replied.

" Sorry I was thinking about you" I responded not expecting any reaction from him then I caught a slight flush of red on his face before he could turn away from me.

A laugh escaped my lips finally reaching the table which had a card laying on top of it that chishiya took immediately and Starred at for a good second then putting it into his pockets. 

I sighed in relief knowing that this twisted game was over.

" Hey guys " Kuina said walking closer from behind "I got some clothes that are suitable for us " she continued holding  the 2 pairs of clothing. She threw Chishiya his whole outfit then gave me my outfit.

She handed me a white blouse and black trousers with a leather jacket . I smiled at her. Agreeing her choice of picking clothes were comfortable at most.

  time skip

" Back at  the games  me  and  Y/N  first met I found this a clue it's a map  " chishiya said lifting up a paper then making eye contact with  us.

" Ok but can we at least take a car " I replied  showing off the car Keys I stole from Yuki's dead body when I was searching for clues.

Kuina let out a  sight of relief  however chishiya looked at me in denial.

" I would've carried you  there Y/N " he said snatching the keys from me  and going into the driver's seat.

" Ignore him. come on get in" Kuina said  tilting her head to the car. As I reached for the back seat I heard chishiya shout which made me jump .

lost hearts (Alice in borderland) chishiya X readerWhere stories live. Discover now