Sarcastic Stiles

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"Now, I think I can speak for all of you that one of your favorite parts about Stiles is his sarcastic comments." Everyone let out a small chuckle. "He can make any moment funny and a lot of the time they are done in the worst possible moments," Scott teased him Stiles blushed, "Thanks it's a skill." Everyone laughed, glad to have the sadness leave the room. "The next videos are of some of Stiles' sarcastic moments." "Oh no," Stiles mumbled sinking into his seat.

"You, um, ain't got a problem with needles do you?" "Nope." The tattoo artist starts the design on Scott's bicep. "I tend to get a little squeamish so..." He looks closer before he faints. 

Minho let out a laugh, "Looks like that didn't change."  Stiles just blushed. Scott just looked over at him confused, "When we thought we were rescued that needed to run tests and gave us nutrients we lacked through needles and I was squeamish" Scott nodded in understanding.

"Now, you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight and more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that have happened tonight. Do you understand?" Stiles looks down at Liam and Scott looks up with a blank confused look on his face.

"What?" Brenda asked and Stiles just shrugged.

The scene switches to Scott on his porch with a baseball bat. Stiles comes down from the roof scaring him "Ahhh!" "Ahhhh!" "Ahhhh!"

"That was the night it all changed." Scott pointed out.

The gang is now at school, while trapped in the chemistry classroom and everyone is looking at Scott. Jackson looks towards Stiles, "Call the cops." "No." "What do you mean no?" "I mean no. You want to hear it in Spanish? Noh." 

"Dang, almost as sassy as me," Minho smirks. "I was so annoyed at you that night," Jackson spoke up.

Stiles is now on the lacrosse bus standing in front of Coach Finstock, "Coach it's five minutes for a bathroom break ok? WE've been on this thing for like three hours." Coach Finstiock blows his whistle. "It's sixty miles to the next rest stop." Whistle blows. "Being cooped up for hours is not good--" Whistle. "You know our bladders aren't exactly--" Whistle. "Coach--" Whistle. "This--" "Can you just--" Whistle. "Please just--" Whistle. Whistle. "LET ME TALK!" Whistle. "I'm--" Whistle. Finstock laughs. "Every time--" The whistle blows for a long period of time. Stiles makes various frustrated faces. "Get back to your seat Stilinksi!" "OK!"

"Wow, even I can't get Stiles to shut up," Noah comments. Everyone laughs. "Coach and I had a special bond."

Stiles and Scott are now hiding behind a building. "What? Scott, come on. I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones, ok? Sarcasm is my only defense." 

"Best line ever," Stiles sits back with a content smile on his face.

Stiles and Danny sit at his desk, while Derek reads a book in the background. "Who's he again?" "My cousin, Miguel."

Derek shook his head, "What's with you and the name Miguel?" Stiles just shrugged.

Scott looks at Stiles as he pushes off a wall and gets in front of Ethan. "You know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna break off an extra-large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe, and shove it up your--" Scott interrupts him before he can finish. "Woah, Stiles, ok."

Everyone looked at Stiles in shock. "You know you can be scary when you need to be. I wouldn't put it past you to have done that," Ethan speaks up. "I get very protective." Everyone mumbled their agreements to both statements. 

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