Pack Dynamic

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Author's Note

I am going to try and update this book more so my other books will be put on the back burner slightly. Just until I get more updates out on this book. I want to put my focus on one at a time.


"Ok, so the first video is kinda like the main people that have stuck through the pack as a whole."

Everyone nodded and the screen lit up.

Scott's pack symbol is drawn in the dirt. "What is that?" "The symbol of an alpha and his pack," Theo answers Hayden as they stand in front of a metal wall with the symbol carved into it. "Whose pack?" "Scott's."

"What does it mean?" Minho asks. "I originally got it as a tattoo as a reward for not contacting my ex-girlfriend. Then because I was the alpha, it slowly became our pack's symbol," Scott answered.

Scott, Kira, Lydia, Malia, and Stiles walk down the steps of the library. It then switches to the pack all walking together in the parking lot. The scene then switches to multiple clips: Malia and Lydia pull opening the library doors; Scott, Lydia, and Malia standing in a ghost town; Kira, Scott, Stiles, Liam, and Malia stand in front of the ruin Aztec temple.

"You guys remind me of how these shanks looked like coming out of the scorch," Brenda said pointing between the scene on the screen and the group of boys. "Well, our appearance wasn't a big priority for us," Stiles claps back playfully. "You guys stunk so bad," Jorge laughs. We all laugh along with him knowing it was true.

Scott with his Alph eyes is shown with his 'definition' next to him. "Werewolf, true alpha = a canine were-creature who rises to alpha rank solely on the strength of their character, their virtue and sheer willpower."

"So, I'm guessing that's what you are?" Newt turns towards Scott. "Ya, we found out at the beginning of Junior year, when an alpha pack was trying to recruit me," Scott said like it was a normal thing, which to them it was. 

Stiles looked at his friends, "Basically, in order to become an alpha, you need to kill someone who is already an alpha because you obtain their powers. Scott here became an alpha off of sheer will. Scott didn't want to join Derek's pack and without realizing it we made our own and Scott was the alpha." They nodded at his words, slowly understanding the dynamic.

Lydia is now in front of a bathroom mirror with her 'definition' next to her. "Banshee (noun: banshee; plural; banshees) = a females spirit whose wailing warns of a death in a house."

They looked from her definition to Lydia, kinda confused. "Basically, I can find dead bodies and sense if someone is close to death or going to die. There was a Deadpool going on at the end of Junior year and I was able to find the keys by listening to the voices and two out of three were people that were already gone, but the third was a predicted death." 

They all looked at her bewildered. It seemed her explanation didn't help. "Don't worry, I think by the end you will understand and we can answer all questions at the end." The survivors nodded at Stiles' words and turned back to the screen.

Stiles is trying to get through the ghost riders portal with his 'definition' next to him. "Human (adjective: human) = relating to or characteristic of humankind, 'the human body', synonyms: anthropoid, 'the survival of the human race.'" 

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