Season 5 Part 1

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Ruby claps her hands getting everyones attention. "Ok, I hope you enjoyed the funny clip and the break because we are about to get into the first half of Stiles's senior year. This was a very rough time for the pack." Stiles and Scott share a quick glance as does Liam and Scott. "We will meet a new person very quickly who is the main reason for these hardships. I purposefully didn't bring him in the beginning because I knew that nothing would ever got down with him here in the beginning but now I feel like it is time to add him." 

"NO!" Stiles shouts standing, feeling outraged at even the thought of seeing him again. The Survivors give him a weird look. "Stiles..." Scott lowly stands and walks up to him. "No Scott. I don't trust him." Brenda speaks up, "Who is he and is he that bad?" Stiles scoffs, "His name is Theo. And I don't trust him. He is worse than Gally was. He is probably on par with Janson." The Survivors look at each other after his words, understanding why he doesn't trust this Theo person and now none of them trusting him either.

Scott tries to calm him down again, "Stiles it seems that he is also like Gally in the sense that he helped us in the end, when you weren't there." Stiles looks at him wide eyed, "I was at the FBI academy and I would have been there in a heart beat if you told me." Scott tries to speak again before being interrupted by Stiles once again, "You know I really thought we stopped letting Theo get between us. But I guess not." Stiles goes and sits next to Newt with an upset look. Scott looks taken back but you can see the pain in his eyes. He sighs and goes back to his seat as well. 

Ruby rolls her eyes, "Now that that is done. You guys don't have a choice." She clapped her hands once again and all the sudden a thud is heard before groaning. Everyone looks to their left to see Theo getting off the ground and looking around the room. "What the-" Theo is cut off by Stiles punching him in the face. Theo falls to the ground holding his face groaning. Stiles looks up and smiles, "That felt good." He walks back to Newt. Theo stands up once again. "Nice to see you too, Stiles. What's going on?" Ruby speaks up, "Please find a seat we are watching Stiles's life and we have to the part that includes you." Theo smirks, "Oh the good stuff." Stiles tries to get up again but is held back by Newt.

Ruby smiles, "Great let's get into the first clip, this is just an overview of everything."

Stiles jeep is seen driving on an empty road at night. Scott's voice is heard. "I was just thinking...Hand with bloody finger and nail shaped cuts on the palms are shown.  Scott sits on the hood of the jeep and Stiles leans against it looking at a map. "About what?"  "Senior year..." Scott, Kira, Lydia, Malia, and Stiles walk down the stairs of their library. "Thinking about the last few months..." Stiles and Malia are seen kissing in front of the school as it rains. 

Newt squeezes Stiles's hand showing him he understands that this was before they met. 

Kira and Scott are shown kissing under the underpass in the rain. "Things have been good." Stiles sighs and looks down. Scott looks down at his hands. "What worries me is that at some point the scale has to twist one way of the other." A clock is seen not moving and the second hand is flickering. "Which means..." Lydia, Malia, and Kira are shown to be looking at something in shock and horror. "everything is going to get really good again..." The scene shows the three girls standing in car headlights and a bloodied hand is reaching for them. "Or really bad." Stiles interjects. Stiles is seen screaming in pain with a hand on his shoulder and Donovan standing behind him. 

Stiles tenses and flinches. He rubs his shoulder unconsciously remembering that pain Donovan caused. Scott leans forward in his seat, wanting to see what truly happened that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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