Deadpool Part 2

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Hey guys! I'm back. I really appreciate you guys sticking with this book. I just finished my first semester of college so hopefully, I will be putting more updates out before I go back. I will give you the heads up that there will probably be another long break when I go back until Spring break or Summer break. (that's if we don't go remote because who knows at this point).  I just want to say that I do read the comments even when I'm not updating and appreciate all of them. 

I am however gonna say this here for everyone to see. I will be going through Stiles teen wolf seasons before moving on to the Maze Runner. I feel it is better for the development of the plot. I am just as excited for you guys to get to the Maze Runner, but please be patient with me.

I also wanted to say that the videos that are not working are because the creator took them down. I can try and find new videos but that would mean editing out that entire part or I could just keep the words up and put a warning before the chapters. Please let me know what you guys think.

Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the new chapter!!!

BTW it was very hard to find clips and videos for this season, so if any of you know of some good ones I would be happy to add them in but this will mostly be descriptions and some videos.


Ruby speaks up before the video starts, "Ok, let's all find out seats again." Everyone leaves the snack table and the groups they were talking in and sits back down. "So the group at this point had two of the three cipher keys, but they couldn't figure out the third. Stiles and Lydia tried a different route. Another banshee, Meredith, helped get the second key, Aiden, so they thought she might be able to help them figure out the third cipher key as well." The screen lit up.

Stiles sits on the bed across from Meredith, while Lydia stands. "What's his name?" Lydia asks. Meredith sits on her bed and has her head down. She lifts it up and shakes her head. "If you could just tell us his name?" Lydia asks exacerbated. Meredith shakes her head continuously. "Ok, you're shaking your head. What does that mean? Does that mean you don't know or you don't want to help us?" Stiles asks, trying to get a response. "I-I-I can't-I can't help anymore." Lydia looks back at Stiles frustrated before looking back at Meredith. "How do you know about him?" Meredith shakes and more forcefully shakes her head back and forth. Parrish steps forward off the wall. "Guys I think we better stop." 

Lydia raises her voice, "Meredith a lot of people are going to die if you don't tell us." "I don't-I don't know. Please..." She begs at them as her head continues to go side to side. Stiles looks at her worriedly. Parrish reaches an arm out to her and he talks over her "Meredith, it's ok..." "I don't" "It's gonna be alright." Shae starts to breathe heavily and continues to swing her head side to side. Lydia steps back scared. "I don't-I don't-I don't know. I- "Meredith." "I said... I DON'T KNOW!" Meredith screams out. Lydia takes a step back and Stiles quickly jumps up and catches her. Stiles looks over at Meredith as she calms down then back at Lydia. Meredith cowers back into her bed and Parrish looks on in confusion. Stiles looks Lydia over. He grabs her head and notices blood coming out of her ears. Stiles looks over at Meredith in horror. Meredith sits on her bed muttering to herself and swinging her head. Lydia looks on in shock.

"Wow," Brenda said, breaking the silence. Newt turns to Stiles, "You looked too freaked out." Stiles nods, "It was one of the first times we got to see how the banshee power could be used to hurt people, hurt their own. All we really saw was that she could find dead bodies, know who was gonna die and scream their names." Lydia whispers, "It was the first time I was truly scared of my ability."

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