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Y/N thought she was going to die when she woke up for school the next morning. She could barely get herself to roll out of bed. She was still feeling cold, since she hadn't gotten a chance to have a hot shower yesterday, but she knew she'd have no time to get a shower now. So she just sat up, rubbed her arms for a while and finally turned off her alarm with a long sigh.

She had about half an hour now to get ready and get something to eat on the way. Pai was probably already up - he got up really early and started his day with stretching. Sometimes Y/N admired his determination, but every time she got up even five minutes earlier, she felt like death.

She crawled out of her bed and grabbed her school uniform and made her way into the bathroom, quickly brushing her teeth and tying her hair up into a messy bun. If she had some time and if she felt especially cute, she'd put a hairband into her hair, but not today. She was too tired.

After putting on her school uniform she made her way to the kitchen where she found Pai, mixing up a smoothie, one leg high up in the air. It wasn't an unusual sight for Y/N, but she always thought that it seemed more like a scene from a sitcom or something. But Pai just liked to stretch in the morning.

"I hope you're making me a smoothie, too." Y/N mumbled, as she passed him to get some rice to eat for lunch.

"What do I get for making you a smoothie?" Pai asked, putting down his leg and lifting up the other one. Y/N just looked at him wondering where he got that sort of sass from. Probably their mother, actually.

"You get to eat your lunch and you get no smack up your head for being a brat." she deadpanned. Pai gasped.

"Y/N, you're so mean to me! Look, you're my favourite sister..."

"I'm your only sister."

"Exactly. Shouldn't we treat each other nicer than that, since we're siblings? We should really be able to get along without resorting to violence, onee-san." Pai said, as he put his leg down again, nodding at her as if he was some sort of wise sage. Y/N wanted to hit him with the spoon she was using to put the rice in their respective lunch boxes, but she was afraid it might break.

"You're a fucking brat, Pai! Breakfast smoothie in exchange for lunch. And you better hurry up, because we need to get going soon or we'll be late." she said to him and put down the spoon with a sigh. She had to get her school bag and hope that her shoes were already dried again or she'd have to walk to school in wet shoes. Which was what would happen with her kind of luck.

"Fine, fine, fine. Are you taking the bike to school or are you walking?" Pai wanted to know, as Y/N checked if she had everything packed for the day ahead. She felt like lying down on the floor and falling asleep again, that's how tired she was. Maybe she'd be lucky and would get some time for a nap today...

"I'm walking. Don't have any cleaning today, thank God. I might have to go and help dad out at the market for a bit, but apart from that I don't have much to do, I think..." Y/N replied, as her brother handed her a smoothie.

"Thanks. Now hurry up and get dressed in your school uniform or we'll be late!" she urged him on, quickly running outside to put on her shoes. They were still a little damp, but they had dried considerably since yesterday. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad, right? She started slurping her smoothie, knowing that would be the only breakfast she'd get today. And she had PE as her first lesson, so she'd be starving by the time lunch came around. Well, nothing she could do.

At least after PE she'd be able to take a hot shower at school, so maybe then she'd finally be able to warm up and shake that cold. Y/N glanced down at her watch. Where the hell was Pai and why was he taking so long? She knew that he always had trouble with being on time, but this was getting ridiculous.

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