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Y/N was honestly surprised how quickly they had finished to clean the house. Maybe it was a little unfair of her but she had somehow expected Shouta to even slow things down. After all, he had probably never cleaned in his entire life. Y/N was almost sure that he'd mess things up for her.

But he was very insistent on helping and they actually were done an hour earlier than usual. It was true that Shouta was slower, but he did a good job, even Y/N had to admit that. And she was extremely critical when it came to her cleaning standards. She had this innate desire to make sure no one could say anything against her or find any fault with her work, no matter how much she hated the work.

She knew that if anyone found out that she had actually accepted Shouta's help she'd be fired sooner than she could imagine, but as far as she knew, there was no one else in the house at the moment, except the chefs and they weren't the types to snitch on her. She knew enough about them for them not to say anything. But sometimes there were some maids that would do anything to get ahead and somehow better their position. It was difficult to get them to understand that they all needed to work together if they wanted to be treated better.

Y/N let herself fall onto the couch in Shouta's room. He had brought her up there, while he was getting some leftovers for her. Apparently this was the safest place to just chill out. Y/N only felt a little tired. She had no idea when she felt this awake at the end of a shift. It must have been months.

She wondered why he had been helping her so much lately. Did he just want to be nice? Was he trying to get into her pants? Or did he actually have some sort of crush on her? Y/N couldn't really tell. But it didn't really matter that much to her, because... well, he was pretty cute.

Plus, he had been thoroughly working on redeeming himself the last few days. Y/N was kind of surprised that he wasn't as much of an asshole. Right now, he seemed very different from the first time she met him. Maybe he wasn't too bad... maybe they'd actually be able to be friends...

Bullshit. Sure, they might be able to be friends, but Y/N wasn't about to let her class consciousness drop. What was she even thinking? Friends with a snob like him? Sure. And what would her friends say? Her family? Well, her family might not be too bad, but people at school would literally brand her as a traitor, basically. Kids like her just didn't hang out with kids like him.

And Y/N was pretty convinced of that whole ideology, but with Shouta... well, with Shouta it just seemed different. She couldn't believe that she was actually taking a liking to him, just because he was nice to her. This was ridiculous and she needed to stop right now, before she got in too deep.

Before she could finish that line of thought and before she could convince herself to stay away from Shouta, she heard the door opening. It was him with two bags full of leftovers in his hands and a gentle smile on his face. Any doubt about them being friends or more or whatever that was in Y/N's head had vanished all of a sudden. She smiled back at him, as he sat down beside her.

"Here you go. That's all I could find around the kitchen, I hope that's okay." he said to her. Y/N glanced inside the bags, feeling like she was about to starve, when she smelt the food. Why was their food so damn good?

"Are you kidding me? This is loads! I can pack everyone a nice lunch from that and not just my parents... that's amazing. Thank you so much, Shouta." she replied. Her dad had been really happy with the food she had packed him from the leftovers she had taken home lately. He had the most physically demanding job out of all of them, so she had packed him the biggest portions.

"I mean, they're just leftovers. Nothing big. It feels kind of weird to give you the food that we'd normally throw out. Feels kind of scummy." Shouta admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

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