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It had taken Y/N a while to accept that she could rely on other people and not only on herself. She had been so used to always being able to take care of herself and always get everything done on her own and have a plan B and a plan C and a plan D, just in case something bad happened. She was always planning ahead to be able to take care of everyone else.

Thinking of herself for once wasn't something she had been used to. But when they had gone to Hizahsi's house that day, she had completely broken down in front of him and Shouta and had told him everything that had happened and how she didn't know what to do and how to survive. And of course Hizashi had immediately offered her and Pai to move in and had talked to his parents right away. Y/N was surprised how quickly everything had worked out.

Only a few days later they could bring their things over, so her and Pai could move in as soon as Hizashi's siblings went back to university. Just in time for when school was going to start. The first few nights Y/N could barely sleep. The room she was in was so big and she wasn't used to living in such a big home. She missed everyone else at home and she was still worried.

Y/N expected to be kicked out any second, because she wasn't sure how much she could trust Hizashi's parents. But she was slowly getting used to this new situation. She was still going to the same school, which meant her way to school was different now, but at least she could still walk with Pai. And also with Shouta and Hizashi and Oboro, at least until her and Pai had to go a different direction.

It was another thing that was difficult to get used to but they somehow managed. Somehow it was all getting easier. Y/N still missed her parents a lot. That probably wouldn't change in a good while. But she was getting used to her new surroundings and her new job. After school she was cleaning the house and taking care of Hizashi's younger siblings and apparently that was enough for the Yamadas to let her live in their house rent-free. Y/N almost couldn't believe it.

Hizashi's family was absolutely amazing. Sure, they were loud and there was constantly something happening and they were way more energetic than she was used to, but they were also incredibly friendly and accepting. They couldn't replace her family, but they were honestly a really good surrogate family. Y/N had started feeling at home with them much sooner than she had expected, especially since they were from such a different background than she was.

"Come on, Y/N, stop staring into the void, let's go!" she heard Hizashi's booming voice behind her.

"Can you tone it down that early in the morning?" she asked, before turning around and seeing him and Pai heading down the stairs. The two of them had gotten really close and Y/N was glad that Pai was dealing so well with the new situation. If she had dropped out and started working, she probably wouldn't have been able to give him such a nice environment. It was really for the best she had listened to Shouta and agreed to move into Hizashi's house.

"Not everyone's as boring as you, Y/N." Pai said, sipping his coffee. Seemed like summer had ended. Once Pai changed the smoothies for coffee, that's when summer was over for real.

"I'm not boring at all. I'm sure there are a lot of people that would say I'm a lot of fun." Y/N told them.

"A lot of fun? All you do is work and study and read political theory." Pai replied and rolled his eyes.

"I don't think you're boring, Y/N, but we better get going or we'll be late." Hizashi said with a grin.

"Okay, first of all, I've been ready for like half an hour. And secondly, thank you Hizashi. And Shouta doesn't think I'm boring either." Y/N answered and opened the door, so they could get on their way to school. Shouta was probably already waiting for them in front of Hizashi's door.

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