Chapter 7

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"It's gettin' late..." he said at some point. He was right actually, you looked at the clock and realized you had been walking for three hours. It's true what they say, when you're with someone you care about time flies.
"Oh, you're right. Well, we should head home. Thank you for the lovely evening Charlie" you said blushing.
"You aren't really thinking I could let you go home alone in the middle of the night, are you? C'mon let's go." he said putting a hand on your shoulder.

You took the bus and sat next to each other. At some point you took out a book from your backpack and got lost in reading.
It was such a pity you couldn't notice what Charlie was doing, who knows what you would have done if you noticed he was staring at you and smiling at the cute expression you had while reading. You weren't totally aware of it, but you used to suck your lower lip and looked like a little girl trying to solve a math problem.

He realized. He realized that you were precious, that he had done many mistakes in his life, but letting you go couldn't become one of them. He needed you.

You blushed when you felt his shoulder touching yours. He put his cheek dangerously close to yours and said "what are you reading? You're a little nerd, aren't you?" You look at him and laugh. "It's Jane Eyre, I've re-read it twice and can't get enough" you said.
"Oooh, romance huh? I've never read it, too girly for me." Charlie said with a solemn tone.
"I'm sure you'd change your mind if only you tried." You sighed. He raised an eyebrow and said "I don't think so".

The bus arrived at the stop. "This is my stop" you say to Charlie who was looking out the window lost in thoughts.
You both got down and walked for another few minutes till you made it to your home. He walked you till the door and then smiled. All the times you had seen his smile you had payed attention not to blush, but this time you didn't and your cheeks went ON FIRE.
Charlie laughed. "Hey missy, why are we blushing, huh?". You gasped in realisation and immediately lowered your head burying your cheeks in the big scarf you had around your neck.
Then it happened.

You felt Charlie's finger touch your nosetip and lifting your head to make you face him again. His little black eyes were sparkling and your heart skipped a beat when he lowered his head to reach out for your cheek to place a little kiss on it.
"Have a goodnight little pianist" he said before starting to walk away.

"Charlie wait!" You said him. You ran to him, your hands looking for something inside your bag. He looked at you and said "yeah?".
"I've read it tons of times. Please read it so you'll understand it's not just 'girly'". He smirked and nodded. He walked another few steps then turned to you again and said "what if I don't change my mind?"
"That possibility doesn't exist" you said and proudly headed back to the house.
You got in and looked one last time and Charlie's towering figure walking away in the dark before closing the door.

Last Play (Charlie Barber x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now