Chapter 2

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Fun fact: Earthquakes can happen on the moon.


You heard Ayumu's mom and dad call her name and you looked over and seen her crouching down crying.

"I left behind everyone on my team."

Her father was trying to understand what she meant by what she said, "What?"

Ayumu continued, "They were all injured, but I couldn't do anything. I just ran away."

Her mom and dad smiled at her remorsefully, Koichiro put a hand on her shoulder. 

"I did the same."

Ayumu started raising her voice a bit, "No, it's not the same! Even after all of the happened, I still had my smartphone." Her mom said her name but Ayumu continued. "Without it, I couldn't contact anyone! I knew I'd need it!"

Koichiro and his wife Mari looked at each other with loving smiles.

"I know." her dad said reassuringly.

Mari took Ayumu's head and hugged her closely, "Thanks to that, Nanami could contact her family."

Ayumu continued crying, "I'm so heartless."

Her mom was whispering in her ear comforting her daughter, the scene pulled at your heart because you knew what would happen to both of her parents. What could you do to stop it from happening? You turned your phone on and started typing in your notes, but you stopped abruptly. 

'What if someone takes my phone and starts looking through it? What if someone needs to use it but they decide to be nosy and look through my phone stumbling upon my notes?'

You sighed in annoyance, 'I'll just have to think all this shit in my damn head.'

All of a sudden you heard someone fall to the ground, you looked up and seen a dead body in front of you. You slapped your hand over your mouth hoping you don't throw up, Ayumu shouted out a little squeak and Haruo tried to get away from the body but then another one fell in front of him. You stood up and looked towards the sky and seen another body fall on top of a pillar, 'what the hell is happening!?'.

Someone yelled, "It's a helicopter!" 

"Did they fall from that?" A guy asked.

"Something is hanging off it!" A girl shouted.

You noticed the helicopter was about to crash and accidentally yelled out in English, "Holy shit!"


The helicopter exploded and everyone started screaming, some men were checking up on the people the jumped out of the helicopter. 

"What the hell is going on?" A guy nearby asked out loud.

You walked over to where Nanami was to see if everything was alright with whoever she called but you saw something red fell onto Nanami's arm, you also felt something wet on your cheek. Two men, that were beside Nanami looked up, "What's that?" 

You looked up as well and seen multiple dead bodies in the tree above you, everyone started screaming again. You wiped the blood off your cheek and sighed, you were starting to get used to seeing blood and dead bodies.

'This shouldn't be normal for anyone to get used to seeing this but I guess I'll be seeing more than what I see now.' 


A couple of hours passed, you had a pretty decent nap but it could've been better. You heard someone scream and you saw a guy that was pretty hurt.

"The evacuation camp... Was caught in a firestorm... And completely wiped out."

He was having trouble breathing and a woman ran up to him and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders then screamed for someone to help him when he passed out. Everyone was talking to each other complaining about how everything was a disaster and they can't believe what just happened, you sighed for the tenth time while standing in line behind Ayumu for some food and water. Ayumu thanked the man who gave Go and her the rations but you then heard a woman yelling at someone and turned around.

"Wait for your turn in line!" She yelled at the man.

The man yelled right back, "You're the one who cut in!"

"I did not! I saw the whole thing!"


You being you, you decided to tell them both off. "Shut the hell up you two! There's enough for everyone to get some, so stop complaining like little bitches, get back in line, and shut the fuck up!"

Both adults looked at you shocked and went back into the line, you felt like a bad bitch and smiled a little. Ayumu and Go got out of the line and Go looked at you with admiration, you held out your hand for your rations and smiled at the man. He smiled back and gave you what you wanted. You went to catch up with Ayumu because you didn't want to be alone, Go gave his mom his water bottle and the mom thanked him in English. You were about to ask if you can join them until you heard two old ladies talking about Haruo.

"What? Isn't that Koga's boy, the shut-in?"

"Where?" The other old lady asked.

"Over there. Do you see him?"

You and Ayumu turned and seen Haruo by himself.

"I'm surprised you spotted him."

"I used to be a fan of his. I hadn't seen him for quite a while."

"Not long ago, he was pretty famous. His appearance sure has changed a lot."

You laughed out loud a little and nudged Ayumu, "Those old ladies sure do love to gossip about younger generations but they're not totally wrong. Haruo-Kun was quite the runner and everyone loved him but to this day I still wonder why he gave up on his dreams."

Ayumu looked at you then back to Haruo, "Koga..."

You were invited to sit with Ayumu's family and you decided to take two bites of your bread then put the rest of it in your backpack, you took one sip of your water and put it away, you needed to preserve your rations because you don't know when the next time you'll be able to have food. Then the colorful lights went off.

"The lights went off" A guy nearby thought out loud. You didn't think much of it and laid down to get some sleep.






The next morning when you were still asleep you felt the ground shaking intensely, you woke up startled and stood up seeing there was an explosion in the distance. This is when you knew that your journey with Ayumu and her family was just about to begin.


Word Count: 1,046

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