Chapter 9

419 21 7

Fun Fact: Standing water smells before an earthquake.


A hand placed onto Ayumu's shoulder, "Ayumu, don't fall behind."

Ayumu sighed once more and kept walking, "Okay dad."

Ayumu looked at (Y/N)'s unconscious body once more, 'how did this happen?'


As Ayumu and Mari went off to find something else to do, (Y/N) was staring off into space. The scraping of the dirt and the shovel can be heard, Koichiro's grunts echoed a bit.

'Fuck it.'

(Y/N) climbed back over the gate and ran into the direction Koichiro was at, (Y/N) heard the shovel hit something hard. 

"Your kidding," Koichiro said out loud.

(Y/N) grabbed his shirt and yanked him out as fast as she can, she succeeded and they both went toppling down a hill. During this process (Y/N) shielded Koichiro from the blast, and instead, the heat of the bomb burned (Y/N)'s back. She screamed out in pain, both Koichiro and (Y/N) passed out from the force of the bomb. Nanami found them both near the fence unconscious, she shouted for the rest of the group to come to where she was. Mari hurried over the other side of the fence and cradled Koichiro with tears forming her eyes, she felt for his pulse and sure enough, he was still breathing. She turned towards (Y/N) and did the same thing, she was still breathing as well but she was breathing a bit too fast for Mari's liking.

Mari found an opening in the fence from the explosion and called both Ayumu and Go over to help with their father and (Y/N) as well. Once they dragged the two unconscious bodies near the small stream to wash them and give them water.




An hour passed by and Koichiro was the first to awake, he groaned and held his head in his hand in a little pain.

"What happened?"

Mari smiled widely, "Koichiro you're up! Ayumu, Go your dad's awake!"

Both Ayumu and Go ran over to where they were and gave their dad the biggest hug they could ever give him, they were all crying around him. Nanami looked at the warm scene in front of her, while Haru just stood back in silence but he was also watching what was going on.

"Now, now. I know I just woke up but how am I alive? I hit a detonator  with the shove-"

Koichiro turned to (Y/N) unconscious body with wide eyes, he couldn't believe it. 

'(Y/N) risked her life for a man she barely knows? Why did she do this?' Koichiro thought to himself.

"Is she going to be alright? Has she woken up yet?" Koichiro asked Mari.

Mari sighed and looked down to the ground sadly, "She hasn't been awake for an hour already and I'm starting to get worried, I want to let her stay still and rest but we have to keep moving."

Koichiro sighed, "You're right, we do need to keep moving, we'll find a rest stop and if (Y/N) hasn't woken up yet then we have a serious problem on our hands."

Koichiro got up and stretched, "Let's keep moving."



Ayumu and Koichiro both picked up their pace, Nanami walked next to Ayumu.

"Are you okay? Do your feet hurt?" Nanami asked Ayumu with a kind expression on her face but all Ayumu did was ignore her and kept walking.

After a couple of seconds, Ayumu groaned loudly and sat on the floor with an annoyed expression on her face. Everyone stopped and turned around to look at her, Koichiro was now beside Mari, he had (Y/N) on his back to let his wife have a break.

"We'll leave you behind, Ayumu!" Mari yelled to her daughter.

Ayumu sighed in annoyance, "So your not sad mom, dad?"

"What?" Mari and Koichiro said in disbelief.

Ayumu continued talking, "Dad almost died and (Y/N) isn't waking up!"

"Will sitting on your tail make (Y/N) wake up? It won't will it?" Koichiro said to Ayumu with a stern voice.

"So you're saying I should be happy that one of my classmates is on the brink of death and isn't waking up?"

"That's not what your fathers trying to say Ayumu!" Mari yelled.

Ayumu yelled back, "Yes he is!"

Ayumu started taking off her left shoe and threw them across the way, yelling in anger, "AHH!!"

Go looked at her sadly, "Those were a present from you dad."

Koichiro put his hand on Go's head and smiled sadly at him, "Ayumu is just having a rough time right now, I'm sure she doesn't mean what she's saying."


Word Count: 756

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