My Goals

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Hello and welcome to my story. it is abour my goals in life. i have achived so much it is not easy being a japaneasy woman who has a boydriemd with eightndicks and people walk to to me and say hey fatty bum bum where do yiu come from and my gang are amazing people so amazing and wise but nothing beats thenpower of John Phoenix the best lawyer in the world and he is pyschihc andnhas eightndicks spnhe is full of love. unlike my ex serena with eightndicks john phoeinx didnt get his cut kff by bayleef and he is real and he exists and he dksemt need daipers as he has anpowerful brain and bladder of steel. and each of his eight penises are magical and if one is losr the world wbecoames a dark place but if you glue it back on peace is restored. they are also bigger than serena yeah. john pheomix has eight dicks and he is hotter tham his uncle.

1. get a 100 reviews and maybe even 1000 and become a star like bruno i am the female bruno ali g boratnin da hoyse.

2. Become number one author on wattpad again cause they took my stories down vexause they jealousbhecause i am talented webnovel offered me a conteact but insaid no because i dont need it because indonr want them to take my boyfriend with eight dicks away from me to be solf at a hit dog star in schezan sauce in taiwang thong citty.

3. make a campaign to bring the big trucy/apollo fic back on ffnet it needs to come back it not fair snowflakes forced the authkr to take it doen whilst they praise transphobic plagerists i domt know the writers name all i know he was probally and liked to ship cause omg look at frozen and all the elsa x anna fucs there and pokenon have it to there are lemons of ash baging his mum and dad and nephew gary wtf isnwith these double standards

4. Write a book about new boyfriend john phoenix and put on amazon dot com. T will make good money and itbwill make cagunal god cry haloy tears.

5. Make my grandma harry styles proud of me.

6. get my friend toya lette to get 1000 reviews.

7. write a fic where i defeat my internet bullies especiallybthat lisa that calls everyine a pedo and tells me to kill myself and i will never kill myself because i am your father.

8. Beat the shit out of brock the cock the dryijg ban rock gym leader cause he is the black harveybwienstien and dinald teump combined he building walls and making team rocketoaybfornitnthat sonracist to whitey like mee.

9. do a rap somg with vicki pollard and have it oroduced by eric cartmannbecause he kot fat he big boned and when hes walking down the street they say hey sexy and they want him to write all the songs and he wrote the best christmabdnalbimnof a te andnthwy werenatnik but they werw conned bu mellh busbsh gibson.

10. get review by farla she is my best friend indint know her but notice ke sempai and her reviews i kearned wverytbinf abiut the craft of writing through her.

11. review by st elmo fire she is a great writer she is good troll and very funny. i am not a troll.

12. get lots of private messages bexause inlove your messages all it is is people teying tonsay that they are offended well let them be offended vexause i am takented and my stiries are better thannyours and by the wag harry styles is my grandma and my boyfriendnhas eightndixksnlonfnlice john obeojdni am jot a rroll i am serious i am serious i am seriosu i am seious whybso siruiys blacj

13. get ash ketchum to paybme he took my money to buy toilet paper and condoms and food and i got nothing and he left his dirty inderwear in my bra how dare he do a thing a like thst. It wasnt wvwn calvib klien it was cheapnshit.

it was gonnqa be 69 but im lazy cause i wriyr so much.

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