Chapter 27 - Oliver

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Mixed POV

"I still can't believe that of all people in Starling City Oliver is the Arrow!" Laurel was still shocked and confused over the matter. It had been obvious to her as soon as she saw the scars under the Arrow's jacket just who he was. She had seen those scars at least twice before and she would never forget them. I guess that explains why he is always disappearing suddenly and is always late for things. "I wonder what exactly happened on that Island that changed him so much."

"I'm sure a lot happened. As Felicity said it was five years and apparently nothing good happened to him during that time. I'm sure that none of us can really imagine what life was like for him there." Walter stated, vividly remembering the words Felicity had said earlier and the haunted look on her face when she said them. He was sure she must have heard those words from Oliver at some point and was simply repeating them. 

"I know that he suffered, it's obvious from the scars on his body. However, what is more obvious to me is the fact that he grew into the man that he is today. He wasn't exactly on a great path when he left, but look at my boy now! He is capable of running a major company, he started his own business, and he is spending most of his free time helping the city. I don't think a mother can be more proud of her son than I am of Oliver." Moira stated with tears in her eyes. She really was proud of her son and was amazed at the man that he had become. She never would have imagined that Oliver would be this responsible and caring, much less be willing and able to help the people of the city, including those in the Glades. He truly is a remarkable man.

"I had a hard time believing him when he told me he was tortured. I knew what the medical reports said and he even admitted to it during the polygraph, but to see what he went through the last few days, and to have barely made a sound." Lance shook his head still in awe that Oliver had been able to withstand the abuse to his body that he had so silently. He knew that he would never be able to go through that so quietly, he hadn't even managed a few hits from a police baton without letting out a few screams. "I know I have worked with him as the Arrow several times and he has amazing abilities. I guess I just never thought about what he goes through during those battles and the fact that I've never once heard him cry out in pain. He even took a bullet for me!"

"He volunteered to take my place as well." Walter stated quietly. He still vividly remembered when Oliver stepped up to take his punishment. He had only had to endure a couple of tazer burns and yet Oliver volunteered to take his place and was shocked and burned by that generator. Walter realized that he probably owed his life to Oliver, again. He truly is a remarkable young man.

Moira was sitting quietly next to Walter. She knew that everything that was being said about Oliver was true and she couldn't help but feel responsible. If she and Robert hadn't gotten involved with Malcolm and the Undertaking then Oliver never would have been on the Gambit, he would not have been stranded on the Island, he would not have had to endure the torture that had been inflicted upon him. However, she also had to realize that if that had not happened then he would not be the man that he is today. Because of everything that he had to endure, and all the hard decisions that he had to make, he grew into the man that she always knew he could be and so much more.

Moira stood and walked to the window, she didn't want everyone to see the tears welling up in her eyes. She felt completely responsible for everything that had happened to her son. She needed to talk to him. I owe him an apology!

"Mom?" Oliver asked. He had just come down the stairs with the rest of his Team to find his Mom staring out the window and he could tell that she was having a hard time dealing with everything. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her to look at him. "Mom, talk to me."

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