Chapter 16 - The Search

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Sara's POV

Sara couldn't believe it! They had looked everywhere for that stupid note and she was beginning to think that it was just a figment of their imagination. The only clue that there really was a note was that they did actually find the plain white envelope with Oliver's name written on bold lettering on it, so they at least knew that the note existed, they just didn't know where.

Sara had looked everywhere around Felicity's computers, Roy wouldn't touch them because he knew what Felicity would do to him if he did and one of them broke. She had looked in the bathroom, in the laundry room, she had pulled the cushions off the green couch to see if it was there, and she had even looked through everything they had in the medical area and found nothing. She was out of ideas as to where to look.

Sara sat in Felicity's desk chair with a sigh. Leaning back she closed her eyes for just a second to try and figure out where it could be stashed when she heard footsteps on the stairs. Sara knew without even looking that it was Roy due to the heavy footsteps that only he had.

"How is Thea holding up?" Sara asked Roy, concerned for the young woman.

"She is doing about as good as can be expected. She has thrown herself into the club to keep herself busy until SCPD can give her some news. I hope we get to them first though!" Roy replied, worried for his girlfriend.

"I just don't know where else to look. We have been running camera searches for each of them, I've had the tracker program that Felicity has on the whole time hoping we pick up a signal, and I've look everywhere in town for Oliver's Ducatiand have had no luck finding anything. Not to mention we still can't find that stupid note!" Sara said, becoming increasingly agitated.

Suddenly Sara stood to her feet and walked over to the Salmon Ladder. She really only used it when she really needed to work off steam and now was definitely one of those times. She reached for the bar and made her way to the top of the ladder rather quickly before jumpingback down again. She repeated this process until on the third time at the top she stopped for a second and looked around. Suddenly something in the back corner of the lair caught her attention. It looked like a small while ball of something. She dropped to the floor silently and quickly walked over to the corner and picked up a small, wadded up, plain white piece of paper and read the message: A blonde, a brunette and a bodyguard. The collection is almost complete. Come alone Arrow! Sara looked to the bottom of the page and saw a set of coordinates.

"ROY!" Sara called to the young man.

"What's wrong Sara?" Roy asked, clearly concerned.

"I found them! Look!" Sara said as she handed Roy the note. She walked over to the computer and pulled up the map of the city. "It looks like this is where they are being held." She said as she brought up an aerial view of the coordinates listed on the map.

"Do you think they are still there?" Roy asked, ready to bring them home.

"There is only one way to find out. You get all the medical supplies out and ready in case we need them when we get back. I'll grab Oliver's extra quiver and suit up. Be ready to leave in five." Sara said, ready to head out and bring their Team, and her family, back home at last. 

Felicity's POV

Felicity had watched as Malcolm hung Oliver in the center of the room. She had been thoroughly scared when Malcolm had brought out his sword and had flinched when he cut Oliver with it, but became even more scared when he brought Diggle out and was coating his sword with the curare. She knew from past stories and missions that it was a deadly drug and she was scared to death that she was about to lose her boys, her friends, her partners.

Felicity had been slightly relieved when Digg had passed out only because that meant he would not realize the pain that he was probably in. However, she had to watch as Malcolm inflicted more pain on Oliver as he proceeded to cut Oliver along three of the scars on his torso. Felicity could not help the tears rolling down her face. She knew that Oliver had been through so much when he first got those scars and now Malcolm was probably bringing those memories back to the surface by hurting him in the same places all over again.

Felicity reached out towards Oliver as he looked to her. All she wanted to do was toreach out and touch him, hold him close and tell him everything really was going to be okay. But she couldn't do that because she was in the wretched cell and he was out of reach. She watched as his head slowly dropped forward as he passed out.

Felicity watched as Merlyn walked towards the door. Right before he walked out he turned and told the other men in the room to put Digg back in his cell and prepare her for what was coming next. She was terrified. She had seen what he had done to everyone else that was here and knew that he was progressively getting harsher and harsher with the pain that he was inflicting on people.

Felicity wanted to fight back when the men came to retrieve her from her cell. She really didn't want to go out there but had absolutely no choice in the matter. They roughly pulled her to the wall that was behind Oliver, the wall with the door on it, and shackled her to the wall so that her arms were reaching out as far as they would go to either side of her. They then shackled her feet to the wall as well with short chains. There was no where she could go, nothing that she could do to get out of this.

After they had secured her to the wall the men walked over to where Oliver was hanging in the middle of the room and turned him around so he could now see her. This scared Felicity even more as she knew that whatever Malcolm had planned it was not good and Oliver would be all shades of pissed when he came to and realized where she was and what kind of position she was in.

As Felicity stood chained to the wall for almost four hours she could not help but thing about what she was going to say to Oliver when he woke up. She knew that he would need a pep talk, especially since he would not be able to actuallydo anything to help her, and she needed a game plan as to what she was going to say. She had to make sure the he didn't give up - no matter what happened.

Malcolm's POV

Malcolm sat in his office watching the monitors again. He was simply waiting until he saw Mr. Diggle wake up to head back to the cells. It was almost time to inflict the most pain on Oliver, physical and emotional. He knew that what he had planned could very well break Oliver and he hoped that it would and that everyone would realize that the Arrow wasn'treally as strong as he seemed.

As soon as Mr. Diggle started to stir in his cell Malcolm walked over to his weapons and started to prepare for the next round of fun. He picked up his bow, his quiver, one of Oliver's green arrows and lastly his whip.

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