Chapter 17 - Felicity

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Diggle's POV

When Diggle started to come to the first thing that he noticed was that his head was pounding. He head hadn't hurt this much since his transport had been flipped by a land mine in Kandahar during his Special Forces days. He kept his eyes closed and slowly took stock of the rest of his body. He could tell that he was no longer hanging in the center of the room due to the cold ground underneath of him. He knew that he had a gash on his chest from where Malcolm had cut him and poisoned him with the curare. That must be what is causing this massive headache. That's right, last time it felt like I had a massive hangover, this feels different so he must have used an altered version of the curare.

Diggle slowly started to move, beingcareful not to move too quickly and hurt himself even more. He started with his fingers and toes to make sure he still had mobility there, before slowly positioning himself to where he could roll over. Once he rolled over he slowly opened his eyes, beingcareful not to do it too quickly so that the light didn't make the headache even worse. It didn't work!

Diggle slowly brought himself to a sitting position and looked around him. He noticed that Oliver was still hanging in the center of the room and saw a few drops of blood down by his boots. Malcolm must have cut him as well.As he continued to look around he realized that Felicity was no longer in hercell. In a bit of a panic he stood to his feet, a bit wobbly, and looked around for her.

"Felicity! Felicity where are you?" Diggle called, worried.

"I'm over here Digg. On the back wall. Malcolm had me chained to the wall. Whatever he has planned can't be good." Felicity replied. Diggle could tell that she was scared and was simply trying not to show it. "Are you okay Digg?" She asked, clearly worried for him.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. Just have a killer headache is all." He replied to his teammate.

Diggle turned to the door as he heard footsteps coming. He had a feeling that once Malcolm stepped through that door things were going to get really bad really fast.

Mixed POV

Malcolm walked through the door dressed as the Dark Archer once again, with his full quiver on his back and his bow in his hand. The only thing that was missing was the hood and that was so that they could see his face as he put the fear of God into them.

They all watched as Malcolm walked through the door. They could tell just from the way that he walked that he meant serious business this time and were afraid that this was going to be worse than anything that they had seen before.

Malcolm walked to the center of the room and slapped Oliver a couple of times on the face to see if he was starting to come to yet. When Oliver didn't respond he walked over to Felicity and checked her restraints to be sure that she would not be able to get free once he started. Once he was satisfied that she was not going anywhere he walked over to talk to Diggle.

"How are you feeling Mr. Diggle?" Malcolm asked with a sneer.

"Just peachy!" Diggle spat back at him.

Malcolm again turned to Oliver, who was still passed out and, reachingfor his side, pulled the whip out and letit fully extend in full view of everyone. He wanted them to see what was coming and not be able to do anything about it.

Felicity watched as Malcolm pulled the whip out. She was afraid that he was going to use it on her, but even more afraid that he was going to use it on Oliver who was still unconscious. She watched in horror as Malcolm brought the whip back and landed a solid blow onOliver's back.

"NO! Malcolm please don't!" Felicity cried out.

"Don't worry Miss. Smoak, your turn is coming." Malcolm snarled back at her.

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