Chapter Seven

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AN: Sorry for the long wait! The next update will be a while, I'm not entirely sure what I want to happen. I have an outline but I don't have the details worked out yet, so if you have any ideas please comment them!


Peter spent the next few days distracting himself from Wade's absence. He cleaned the whole house (finally getting rid of those blood stains), threw up, found out that he could hear the twins' heartbeat, and threw up again.

Now that he's aware of the twins heartbeat, he can't not hear it. The constant thump thump thump of their heartbeat reminds him that he isn't alone and helps him keep his anxiety in check. He also noticed some more symptoms of his pregnancy that he passed off before. He went to the bathroom a lot, it seemed like his bladder was always full, his back hurt some and he noticed his nipples were getting more and more sensitive. Which would be a lot more fun if Wade were here.

He also noticed, much to his extreme excitement, that he was already showing. Not much, mind you, no one would know it was a baby bump if they saw it, but Peter knew. Instead of his flat, toned abs he had a soft stomach with a barely there bump. It was small, but it was his babies. Proof that they were in there, alive.

But he couldn't focus on that, not right now. He had to prepare.

It's been a few days since the failed attempt to tell his father he was pregnant, and after two more attempts to go back to the Tower (and failing to make it even half way there) he decided to just text Tony and ask him to come over when he was done upgrading his suit.

He got a text from him sometime in the dead of night telling him he was coming over later that day. So Tony was coming over in a few hours to give Peter his suit back, complete with the extra padding he asked for. He was going to tell his unofficial father about the twins after that and maybe eat lunch without throwing up. Hopefully he won't be too pissed.

Or disappointed.

He could handle Tony being pissed that he was a parent at such a young age, anger only lasts a moment and all that, but disappointment can last a lot longer than a moment. Hopefully he'll take to being a grandpa soon enough and help Peter find a special doctor, since Bruce is helping out in some third world country.

Peter got up from where he was scrubbing the last bit of dried blood off the floor of the living room and moved on to the bathroom. He always wears a mask when cleaning, the harsh chemicals made his head hurt too much and gave him a horrible headache. Tony made him a special one with little spiders on it that sealed onto his face. He couldn't wear his normal mask for too long, because while he wore it he was breathing in carbon dioxide (or his bad breath) and would get light headed, but he could wear the one Tony made all day. He also made sure not to use any chemicals that could hurt his babies and, along with a mask, he wore gloves so his hands wouldn't smell weird. He'd wear a full hazmat suit if he could because cleaning was the worst and fucking disgusting. Normally Wade did it, because he's seen guts spilling out of people and brains being splattered and all that nasty gore and it didn't bother him, but sometimes he was on a job (non-lethal! Peter wouldn't date a killer) or out late and the clutter just got to be too much, so Peter would suck it up and put on his special mask and clean.

Once he was done, and the whole apartment was spotless, he took off his mask and gloves and put them away. He looked around the now clean apartment with a smile, he was very proud of himself.

"Daddy hates cleaning," Peter said to his small bump, rubbing his hand over it carefully. "I can't wait until you two are old enough to clean, then I can ponder it off to you and be a lazy old man."

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