Chapter Four

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Peter didn't know how long he sat on his bed just staring at his laptop, lost in thought. His arms wrapped around his stomach. Maybe if he showed Wade that video he wouldn't want Peter to do it anymore. Maybe if he just saw the video, maybe then he would reconsider his whole not wanting kids thing. Maybe he would at least consider letting Peter find a couple to adopt them.

And if he didn't, if he still wanted Peter to allow someone to kill his babies then...then...

Peter sighed. He wasn't sure about anything when it comes to Wade anymore. He never expected him to just walk out like that, some yelling sure but not abandonment. Especially not over this, over Peter being pregnant.

Wade would come back. Probably in a few days and if he doesn't, well sucks to be him because he's the one missing out. Not Peter. Wade is the one who won't be there when he goes in for his next ultrasound. Wade is the one who won't get to hear their heartbeat and see them move. Wade is the one who won't be there when Peter feels them kick for the first time. Wade is the one who won't see them being born. Wade is the one who won't get to hold the twins. Wade is the one who won't get to hear their babble or their first steps or words.

But that won't happen. Wade will be there for all of that. Once they talk this over Wade will understand. He's just scared and that's okay, it's okay to be scared. They were young (well Peter was young, Wade was 26) it was perfectly normal for them to be scared. They were parents now. There's a lot that can go wrong, there's a lot more at stake now that there's two little people added to the mix. He understood that, but it was no excuse to give up. He would try, for his babies. He had to at least try.

He got up with a groan and stretched out his limbs. Then promptly ran to the bathroom to throw up.


He rinsed out his mouth with water then headed to the kitchen to eat, even if he wasn't that hungry he still needed to keep up his strength. He thought he ate a lot before the spider bite. He was wrong. He was always munching on something now, it took him a while to get used to it. He went hungry a lot, not wanting to make things worse for Aunt May. Ned used to give him food at school when he found out but Peter made him stop when Flash kept saying he was trying to make Peter as fat as him. But he got used to the hunger, then he got used to people shoving food at him. Tony fed him every five minutes and when May found out she always pushed food at him. Wade helped too, he eats a lot so he always brought extra for Spiderman.


If he were here he would already have breakfast ready, or if he was on a mission he would have at least texted him to make sure he ate.

One look at his phone shows that Wade has yet to call or text. Hopefully he will soon.

Peter stopped at the kitchen entrance. The ultrasound photo was still on the floor where Peter dropped it. It was a little crumbled up. He reached down and picked it up, flattening it out then folding it in half and shoved it in his pocket and went to find something to eat. He made dipping eggs with toast and mushrooms. The first time he mentioned dipping eggs Wade had no idea what he was talking about, he calls them yolky eggs which Peter finds weird but fitting.

He took a picture of his plate and sent it to Wade, showing him that he was eating. Just because he wasn't here doesn't mean he stopped caring, he would want to know that Peter is eating.

While he ate he thought about everything he had to get done now that he was pregnant. He had to tell Aunt May. He'll head over when he's done eating.

He has to tell Tony too, maybe get some extra padding around the abdomen of his suit to protect the babies when he goes on patrol. Speaking of patrol, he'll have to think about when he wants to stop so he can focus solely on his pregnancy. When he's farther along, definitely but how much farther? 5 months? 8 months? He'll be showing soon, does he really want the world knowing that Spiderman is pregnant?

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