Chapter Eleven

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Hi. Hello. Hope everyone is good and healthy. Quick note, I wrote Peter's birth based on a mixture my friends birth (that I attended) and a different birth I attended. Both were unmedicated homebirths, one with a midwife that arrived after the baby was born because she shot out of my friend in two hours and one without a midwife because it was a freebirth. I'm a birth worker myself, just starting out with only those under my belt. I've read a LOT of twin homebirth blogs and posts from women and birth workers in preparation of this. That being said, while it is possible for birth to go as smooth and peaceful as I made Peter's, I did speed through it. I didn't write about what the midwife would be doing and what the doula would be doing in detail, so just assume their doing their birth worker duties very well.

Also, I did not mean to make them Jewish. It just happened :D

Also, this chapter is more unedited than my last ten, so if you see any typos or grammar mistakes please point them out!


"There is power that comes to women when they give birth. They don't ask for it, it simply invades them. Accumulates like clouds on the horizon and passes through, carrying the child with it." – Sheryl Feldman

"I already decided on one name. Benjamin Anthony Parker-Wilson. Benjamin Anthony Wilson?" Peter frowned. "Should we hyphenate their last name?"

"Well, they are our kids."

"Yeah, but one day I'm going to take your name. Wouldn't it be easier to just give the boys your last name right from the start?"

"Wait, what?" Wade looked at him in shock. "I thought we would hyphenate if we ever got married."

Peter gave him a look.

"Or you can take my last name, that works too."

Peter sighed, "I want to go all in, when the time comes. I like the more traditional stuff, I want to do it."

"Okay, baby. If you want to do it, then we will." Wade smiled at him. "Now, for the second baby, do you want to be all sentimental like with Benny or just pick a name we like?"

"I don't know." Peter hummed, "We could name him Richard, after my bio dad, but I don't have a lot of memories of him. I remember he would always spin me around when he came home and he would always smile at me. But I don't remember anything else, I barely remember what he looked like. I want to honor my father, but I don't know if I want to name our baby Richard."

Wade smiled at him, "Middle name?"

"Middle name." Peter tilted his head, looking at Wade. He's been very lax about everything since he came back. "What names do you like?"

"Oh, I'm good with anything you want."

"Really? You don't have anything you really want to name him?"

"Not really. It's not like I had a good father."

Peter started at him, he stared back. "What names do you like?"

"What names do you like?"

"Come on, Wade." Peter frowned, wait. "Wade, what's really going on?"

"Nothing, Petey. I'm all good." Peter raised his eyebrow. "I just. I'm. I wasn't here Peter."

"Well, yeah. You had some stuff to work through, but you came back." Peter grabbed Wade's face, forcing him to actually look at him. "You came back, Wade. Do you know how many parents don't come back? They let their fear and anger keep them away, but you didn't. You came back to me, to us. That's all that matters."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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