Chapter Two

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Peter goes through the next four days in a numbing daze. He just wants to get it over with and leave this pregnancy scare behind him.

Wade kept staring at him and asking if something was wrong. He was worried and Peter wanted to tell him, he wanted to tell him so badly but he couldn't. He was too scared. MJ called a few times to check up on him, the appointment was Monday at 1. She said she would send some links for him to look at. Options, she called them.

When Thursday finally came, he was sweating bullets and he couldn't stop shaking. Wade noticed too, he was so sweet. He offered to stay home and cuddle. Peter wanted to, he wanted to say 'yes please stay, I need you.' But he couldn't. He had to get ready and throw up and Wade couldn't see him do that, because if he saw Peter puking then there was no way he would leave.

It took him a while to convince Wade he was okay and by the time he left Peter had a little over an hour to get to his appointment.

Puking first. Guess this is what morning sickness feels like. Long story short, it sucks. He gargled water, then brushed his teeth. Maybe there was something he could take to ease his morning sickness.

He grabbed his wallet and keys and left, locking the door behind him. Not that there was much point, if anyone tried breaking in they would see a shit ton of weapons and blood stains that Wade still hasn't cleaned and probably shit themselves. But still, better safe than sorry.

The walk to the clinic felt longer than it really was. He felt like everyone was staring at him, like they knew he was a pregnant 19 year old boy. Man, he was an adult. Soon, he entered the clinic and checked in, then moved to sit down in the waiting room. He saw a few people there, a very pregnant man with his partner rubbing his stomach and cooing. A woman who seemed lost in thought, her hand caressing her stomach as she stared at the wall. There was a family in the play area, two small kids building blocks while the mother and father sat nearby watching.

He stared at the kids. He wanted that, he did. He wanted it so much.

Before Wade told him that he didn't want kids Peter would spend hours daydreaming. He pictured them with a little boy, riding on Wade's shoulders and dripping ice cream on his head after playing at the park. He pictured them with a little girl, playing dress up. Wade would love it and Peter would take pictures. He would braid her hair and do her makeup, then she would do his makeup.

He could just hear it. Their laughter. Their joy. Their love.

He sniffed, his thumb running small circles on his flat stomach. He wanted that. He knew Wade would make a great father, he was so protective and caring and he loved with all his soul. He would be an amazing dad.

But he didn't want that. He was too scared of hurting them. They had too many enemies, and if even one found out who Spiderman was then any kids they had would be in danger.

They would be in danger anyway, because everyone knew Wade Wilson was Deadpool. It was hard enough keeping Peter safe without revealing he was Spiderman. It would be way too hard with a kid.

"Mr. Parker?"

Peter looked up, a female nurse was holding a door open and looking around the waiting room. He stood up on shaky legs and slowly followed the nurse into the back.

"You're here for an ultrasound, correct?"

"Um, yes ma'am."

She nodded her head and took him into a doctor's room. She handed him a gown, told him to change into it and that the nurse would be there shortly to give him the ultrasound.

He stood there for a few seconds after she left, suddenly unsure and even more nervous. He took a deep breath and changed into the gown, folding his clothes and putting them on the floor next to the bed.

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