Fred Weasley: Isn't it too short?

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y/n= your name
y/l/n= your last name

(You're a slytherin in this story.)

It was a sunny day when you decided to go outside. You were outside, near the black lake when you heard laughter. You turned around and noticed a boy with pink hair. You couldn't hold your laugh anymore and started laughing. Then you knew who did it to the boy. There they were. The Weasley twins. Fred and George. You stood up and went to the twins. You had a crush on Fred. You were one of the not so many people that could tell them apart. When you got to them, you helped the boy. "Why did you do it?" You asked.

"Come on. He's a slytherin." George complained.

"And what is wrong with slytherins?" You asked in an annoyed tone. You hated when people thought that all slytherins are evil and mean.

"What is wrong with slytherins? They're mean. They are bad persons. SLYTHERINS!" George said, making you boil inside. How you wanted to punch him...

"George, I'm a slytherin! I didn't know you thought about me that bad!" You almost screamed. Okay, maybe not almost. Let me correct myself. You screamed. Pretty loud.

"A slytherin! Really!" George screamed at Fred. You were confused. Why on his twin? What has Fred to do with that. I'm pretty sure that Fred isn't the sorting hat.

"Yes, a slytherin. She's nice. She helped that boy." Fred said.

"Yeah, but he's in her house! They are nice just to eachother!" George screamed.

"You know what? I'm going. I don't care what you think about me. Besides, I have stuff to do." You said and walked off. You left the two boys while they were arguing about something. You went to Madam Pomfrey. You helped Madam Pomfrey when you had time. You helped the patients with the small injuries, Mrs Pomfrey helped the patients with the bigger injuries. You were busy helping a boy that was jinxed, and there were bubbles coming out of his nose.

"Y/N, dear. Can you help this boy that just came. I'm busy." Madam Pomfrey asked.

"I'm coming! I'm just going to finish helping this boy first!" You screamed to the woman back, because she was far away. You finished helping the boy and went to the next person. Ther you saw him. George Weasley. The twin of your crush that doesn't like you, just because you're a slytherin. You never hated someone because of their house. It would be weird if you started hating George because he's a gryffindor. Everybody thought that slytherins and gryffindors are required to hate each other. And there you were, Having a crush on a gryffindor. "Hey, go sit on the bed and tell me what happened." You told him, trying your best to not sound mad. He needed help.

"Was that boy a hufflepuff?" George asked you, ignoring your command and question.

"Yes, he was. Now tell me what happened and sit down. I need to help you." You said, waiting for him to answer.

"I went to Hagrid, to tell him something from Ron, and an animal scratched me on my chest." George explained. You looked down at his chest and there was a big scratch.

"Take your shirt off and I'm gonna get things that I need, so I can help you." With that, you walked away. When you came back, George was already without his shirt. You helped him take care of the scratch, and sent him back. He went to the door, but then turned around.

"Sorry." He said out of nowhere.

"It's okay. Just go, and find me tomorrow morning so I can check up on your scratch. You will find me at the slytherin common room before breakfast." You said and went to help the next person. After that, you were done helping in the infirmary. You were walking to the great hall to eat dinner.

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