(young) Sirius Black: Truth or dare

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(You're a gryffindor)

You were in your sixth year in Hogwarts. You didn't have the best reputation. You could be rebel, and you loved it. You were in the gryffindor common room reading a book. But you were not alone. In the common room were the marauders. James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. You weren't really friends with them, but you liked them. Remus was reading the exact same book that you were reading, Peter and James were talking and Sirius was snogging a girl. He had a make out session with almost every girl around your age at school. You hated the group of his fangirls. They were annoying you so much. No, it isn't because you fancied him. You on the other hand, found him attractive, but you didn't really fancy him. It was because they were following him everywhere. They were walking after him like puppies. And for some odd reason, you were somewhere close to him. They were annoying as hell! After some time, Diggory entered the gryffindor common room with a gryffindor, You couldn't quite remember his name. He couldn't get in by himself since he was a hufflepuff. "Oh, hey! Y/N!" He screamed. "Do you want to be with me? I liked you for as long as I remember. Please." He said. Everybody looked at the scene unfolding infront. Even Sirius took a break from sucking the girls face. Finally. Don't get it wrong. But that girl was annoying as hell. You should be happy that he could hold her from rambling about things that you didn't even care about. But the sight of them wasn't really what you wanted to see on a sunday, and then on monday listening to the girl rambling about how he broke her heart. These girls knew that they were just a quick shag for him. But then they were walking around school, talking about how heartbroken they were. UUHH! The girl clearly looked annoyed, but who cares.

"Sorry Diggory, but don't even think about it. It's never happening." You told him. The marauders tried to hold their laughter.

"Come on. At least a date." He whined.

"No Diggory. I don't like you, and I'm not going on a date with you. Now let me read." You said. You went back to reading, but that idiot wouldn't stop.

"Please. I really like you.We already kissed, so what's the problem with a date?" He asked. You started getting annoyed.

"Because I kissed you doesn't mean I like you. If I would go on a date with every guy I kissed, I would probably go on dates everyday. So just go away and stop bothering me." He walked away with the gryffindor boy, Frank Longbottom. You remembered.

"Really Y/N? You snog boys like it's no big deal?" James asked. You wanted to answer, but someone answered for you. 

"Yes, she does. But I don't see a reason for you to care. Do I need to remind you that your friend, Sirius Black, does the same?" Came the voice of Marlene Mckinnon. Your best friend.

"Oh, hey Marlene" You said. She went to you and jumped on top of you, hugging you. You started laughing. You were reading a book and hugging Marlene. Sirius was bored with the girl and stopped making out with her. She got mad and walked away.

"I'm bored." Sirius groaned for the 6th time in 20 minutes time. "Let's do something fun. What about truth or dare?" Sirius said. You looked at Marlene who got off of you in a second.

"YES!" She screamed. You laughed at your friends eagerness.

"Me too!" You screamed.

"I'm in." James announced.

"Me too." Peter said.

"Okay, if everyone plays, I'm in" Remus said, putting his book down. Everybody went to get more people. When everybody that was going to play arrived, everybody sat in a circle on the ground that included: you, Marlene, Lily, Alice, Mary, Molly, Arthur, Frank, James, Peter, Remus and Sirius. The game were playing only Gryffindors. And you made sure that everyone was single, so there were no arguments.

"Ok, we are going to play truth or dare. If you get truth, you get a drop of truth potion, so you can't lie. For the rest, if you don't do your dare, you get a worse one. So better do your dare. There are no more rules. Let's start!" You explained to everyone. Everybody nodded.

"Let me start. Lily, truth or dare?" James asked.

"truth." Lily said, getting a drop of the truth potion.

"Do you like someone?"

"Yes." It was Lily's turn. "Remus, truth or dare?"


"Do you have a crush on Mary?"

"Yes." He was shocked. He just slipped that he liked Mary, and he couldn't stop it because of the truth potion. Mary blushed and smiled. Finally! You couldn't look at them crushing on each other, but being scared to say it to each other. And being blind to not see that they liked eachother. You guys were playing and having a good time. It was Arthurs turn.

"Y/N, truth or dare?" It was your first time.

"Dare." You said.

"Finally, a girl chose dare." Remus laughed.

"Snog Frank for 3 minutes." Arthur said. Frank turned red. You went to him and started making out. You pulled on his hair from time to time, making him moan into the kiss. "Okay, you can stop. 3 minutes is up." Arthur said. You went back to were you were sitting earlier.

"Frank, truth or dare?" You asked.


"Who do you fancy?"

"Alice." At the end of the game, not everyone was single. Remus was with Mary, Arthur with Molly, James with Lily and Frank with Alice. The only single people were you, Peter, Marlene and Sirius.

"Y/N, truth or dare?" James asked.


"Snog Sirius for 5 minutes." James said with a smirk. You went to Sirius and started kissing. Finally, the game came to an end. Everybody went to their bedroom, and fell asleep.

{Sirius Black's POV}

I waked up in the morning. I kissed my crush yesterday. Y/N. She probably doesn't even like me back. I went to my first lesson. Potions. But Y/N wasn't there. I sat at a table and professor Slughorn started talking. "Welcome everyone. Today we're going to make a potion that we learned about last lesson. Amortentia. Who knows what amortentia does?"
He asked. Lily raised her hand. "Yes miss Evans."

"Amortentia is a potion that can attract someone to someone else. Like a love potion. If you smell the potion, you can smell something or someone that you feel attracted to. You can smell things you like the most." Lily explained.

"That's right. 10 points to gryffindor. Professor Slughorn said. Everybody started making the potion like it was described in the book. The whole classroom smelled like the potion. The whole classroom smelled like Y/N. I was worried because she was still gone.


You woke up and looked at the clock. Bloody hell! You skipped almost the whole potion lesson! You threw some clothes on and ran to the dungeons, were potion was. You got to the classroom and opened the door, when the smell of Sirius' cologne hit your nose. "Sorry for being late. And why does it smell like Sirius here so hard?" You asked. Everybody looked at you with wide eyes.

"How does it smell?" Remus asked with a smirk on his face.

"Of Sirius' cologne. Did he take a shower in his cologne or what?" You asked. This boy shouldn't use that much perfume. It smelled good, but bloody hell! Not that much!

"Y/N. We are brewing amortentia." Remus said with a bigger smirk. OH SHIT!

"Don't worry Y/N. I also smell you." Sirius said and winked. The same day, you two were in a relationship. And believe me. You didn't even look at other boys. And he didn't even look on his group of fangirls, or any other girl. You two loved and trusted eachother. And were loyal to eachother. Who would of thought. The two biggest players at school, in a relationship. Not even caring about the rest. You were happy.

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