Blaise Zabini: why do you think I did that?

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POV= point of view

You're a hufflepuff
You were sitting in divination, watching how Draco was bullying a first year. Your crush was laughing about it. Yes, Blaise Zabini. He was his bestfriend. And you were always shy around Blaise, but you couldn't watch how they were bullying the first year. You stood up and made your way to the boys. How could 4 fifth years bully a first year? You looked nervous at Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. Then your eyes met the eyes of Blaise. You quickly looked away and looked at Draco. "Leave the boy alone. He's a first year. He doesn't deserve it." You said calmly. You never got in arguments.

"And why should we listen to a hufflepuff?" Draco asked.

"Malfoy, just leave him alone." You said, trying to help the boy.

"Look who we have. Y/N." Blaise said with a smirk on his face. He always bullied you. And here you were, crushing on him.

"Let just go." Draco said looking at you disgusted.

"Thank you." The boy said, almost in a whisper.

"No problem." You said reassuringly. You smiled at the boy that ran towards his friends. It was the end of divination, and the boy came to give you the book that he noticed you left by accident. He came in the class when everyone was getting out. That was the moment that Crabbe, Goyle, Draco and Blaise decided to bully the poor boy. You were going to the great hall to eat. You sat at the ravenclaw table because you were friends with Luna, that was a ravenclaw. After eating, you decided to go to the house elves in the kitchens to greet them, and then go to your dorm. But on your way to the kitchens, a bucket full of cold water fell over your head. You were wet from head to toe. You tried to find the person that was the cause of that. And soon enough, you noticed a laughing Blaise. You just carried on walking. He pranked you that much times, and bullied you, that you honestly didn't even care about it. It was always you. He bullied you most, of all the people at that school. And yet here you were, crushing on him. You were at the portrait at the fruit bowl that was the entrance to the kitchens. You just needed to tickle the peer to get it open. You tickled the peer. The portrait swung open and you went inside.
The house elves greeted you and helped you dry out. They made you a tea, and you talked with them for a while. After half an hour, you decided to go back. You did your homework, got dressed in your sleep gown, and went to sleep. The next morning when you waked up, you got dressed and went to get breakfast. At the end of the day, you were pranked four times by Blaise. You thought that it couldn't get worse. You didn't know what was waiting you. You were going for dinner from your last lesson. You noticed Blaise on the ground, holding his arm. "What happened?" You asked.

"I think I broke my arm." Blaise said. You didn't even waited for a second to help him.

"Let me help you. I'm going to get you to the infirmary." You told him. You helped him getting to Madam Pomfrey. When you arrived, you decided to leave him in the hands of Madam Pomfrey.

"Y/N! Wait!" Blaise screamed before you could leave.

"Yes?" You said in a questioning tone.

"Why did you help me? I'm always mean to you." He said, not understanding why you were always so nice.

"Why would I leave you there alone? You needed help." You said and walked away.

{Blaise Zabini's POV}

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Pansy asked.

"Yes Pansy. I'm going to put verita serum (a potion that makes you say the truth, and you can't lie) in a drink and give it to her." I said.

"But Blaise, there is no stopping later. I want to embarass her. And if I'm close to do it, you can't stop me. I'm going to ask her who she likes to embarrass her infront of this person." Pansy said to me. I wanted to put verita serum in Y/N'S drink. Pansy went to Draco and I was by myself. There were still 20 minutes to dinner. I forgot the potion and wanted to go back, when I fell on the floor. Yes, I FELL! Don't even ask me how. I don't know how the hell I did it. Then I heard someone come. I turned around and looked at the person. It was Y/N. She helped me. She looked really concerned. She was so nice to me. After everything I did to her... I felt bad. Really bad. I didn't want to put the verita serum in her drink. I felt like I was the worst person. She's so sweet and nice. She never deserved all the things I did to her. She didn't deserve meeting me in the first place. Madam Pomfrey healed me in 5 minutes. I was trying to think of a lie, of an excuse, to not do it to Y/N. Pansy came to me and we went to the great hall. There I saw her. Sitting at the hufflepuff table. Laughing with her friends. That beautiful smi-- NO! Stop it Blaise!

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