The Battle in the Dungeon

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The battle is quieter in the dungeon, however it is still there. There are 15 death eaters and only three other Hogwarts fighters, all of whom are locked in a battle to the death. I can only see blurred out lines as the 15 death eaters advance upon the Hogwarts fighters.

Draco, Goyal, Millicent, and I jump into the battle. The Death eaters stop firing spells, and the Hogwarts fighters take refuge behind a fallen bolder. My friends and I slowly withdraw our wands, and point the tips at the Death Eaters. One of the hooded death eaters speaks:

"So, you've chosen your side. Your parents won't be pleased".

Draco, Millicent, and I stay silent, but Goyal moves towards the hooded figure and says;

"The hell with our parents. Their wrong choices have lead to their children's suffering and death".

Draco and I exchange looks. We both know what that statement meant. He was talking about Crabbe.

The Death Eater sneers at us, and fires a spell at Goyal. Goyal dodges it, but the other Death Eater have started to fire spells as well. Draco, Millicent, and I join the fight. Soon we are all fighting tooth and nail.

Goyal punches a Death Eater. He flies backwards, and hits the one of his fellows. Thankfully, it was the one I was fighting. I watch as both of them hit the floor with a sickening thud.

I quickly turn my wand to another Death Eater. This one seems too know what I'm thinking, because before I can fire a spell, the Death Eater is already out of the way of my wand.

Draco sees the Death Eater I am trying to hit, and he comes to my rescue. He hits the Death Eater across the face with a spell, as the Death Eater tries to dodge my spells. The Death Eater crumpled to the ground because of Draco's spell.

Goyal and Millicent are fighting 6 Death Eaters at once. Draco and I get up to help, but 4 hooded figures surround us. We pause for a second in the verge of firing spells at the 4 figures.

Draco and I exchange looks. A understanding passes through us. (We need to make them think we are going to surrender). Draco and I drop our wands, and put our hands up.

Millicent and Goyal stop fighting the 6 death eaters, and also surrender. I know that they are not in on the plan, so they probably think that we are actually surrendering.

Three of the death eaters that were fighting Millicent and Goyal, go and check on the wounded. One of the death eaters that was recently fighting me, points his wand at my heart and says:

"This is why children shouldn't join You-Know-Who's ranks. They are too week and foolish".

I look at the death eater directly in his hooded eyes. I stare at him, trying to look as intimidating as possible. Than I retaliate against his recent comment by saying:

"At least we are brave enough to denounce Vold- Voldemort".   

It is the first time I have ever said his name. Draco gives me a look with surprise. Goyal and Millicent both gasp. The Death Eaters all jump and shake with fear.

Draco and I take advantage of the Death Eaters' fear. I punch one of them in the face, and steal his wand. Draco does the same thing with another Death Eater, and we both start dueling before the Death Eaters have time to react.

Millicent and Goyal's enemies come and join their fellows to fight Draco and I. We have already stunned four of them. Millicent and Goyal join us, and together, Draco, Millicent, Goyal, and I, take down the remaining Death Eaters.

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