The Library

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I hurry into the library, spot Millicent sitting at a table in the back. She has long, blond hair, her eyes are blue, and her body is very muscular.  I  head straight towards her. She sees me coming and takes out my completed homework. I take it, and thank her. Millicent squints at me; a look of confusion crosses her face.

"What?", I ask, a little ruffled by her behavior.

When Millicent doesn't answer, I say

"come on, spit it out, you really should learn how to speak your mind."

Millicent blushes and hesitates to say

"it's just... you never thank me for anything."

It's my turn to blush. We stare at each other awkwardly. I don't know what to say, it had never occurred to me that I have never thanked Millicent for doing.. well... anything for me.

I clear my throat to break the ongoing silence, and say,

" well don't make it awkward, just Count yourself lucky that I'm happy today."

Millicent blushes, but smiles at me nevertheless. However the smile doesn't last long, it vanishes and a look of horror takes its place.

I look around to see what made this abrupt change. Between the third and fourth bookshelf, stood Alecto Carrow. A prickle of fear runs through me. Had she heard me with Peeves? This could not be good. My mind is racing with thoughts, but Alecto doesn't seem to care about me.

She looks around the library, and sees a pale, skinny boy in the corner. The boy could not be over the age of twelve. Alecto walks over to him. Fear for the boy runs through my body, but I keep my eyes fixed on the scene in front of me.

The boy looks around and sees Alecto coming his way. He immediately freezes on the spot. Alecto stops in front of him, and doesn't say a word. Before the boy can speak, Alecto is holding him by his hair. He lets out a yelp, but she ignores him. I watch as she starts to drag the terrified boy out of the library by his hair. Madam Pince looks like she is about to do something, but Alecto shoots her a look, and Pince goes back to reading.

Millicent turns to me and says, " that's Caleb Davis, his mother is known for supporting Potter, that must be why he's about to be..."

She stopped in the middle of the sentence, and I understand that the boy is going to be tortured for his parents' actions. Fury builds up inside of me, I look at Milicent and say,

" there's a chance that you and I are going to have to be the ones to torture him. He's a first year and we're seventh years, that's how the algorithm works."

Millicent looks at me, and nods. I can tell that she is not liking the idea of it, but she knows that the Carrows will kill her if she doesn't.

She gulps, and says

"well... he deserves it, I don't like the fact that we have to... That we have to torture him, but... I guess it's for the greater good."

I understand all too well of what conflict is going on inside of her head. On one hand we have a delinquent child who should be punished, and on the other hand we have a kid who's not responsible for his parents actions.

I decide to throw caution to the wind and say,

"you don't actually want him torchered, Millicent. I know you, you can not hurt an innocent kid."

Millicent's eyes grow with fear and panic. I immediately understand that she thinks that I am going to report her to the Carrows.

Millicent stutters as she says "yes-yes I d-do, the boy m-m-must be punished for his mo-mothers act- actions."

I allow my eyes to roam her face, I can practically see the fear and panic through her eyes. I take a deep breath, I know I have to confess to my feelings before she can confess to her's. This sucks because I was never good with feelings.

My voice drops to a barely audible pitch as I say,

" I hate hurting students for the Carrows' amusement, we are kids, we shouldn't have to be doing this. I know you feel the same way, you're a better person than me; and I can't be the only one who feels this way. I highly suspect that the other Slytherins feel this way as well."

I stop my rant and look at Millicent, praying that she doesn't turn me in for what I just said. My heart is racing at the fact that I could die for what I just said. Millicent doesn't speak for thirty seconds. This scares the shit out of me.

Millicent shrugs, and asks

"so what are we going to do about this"

A wave of relief washes through me. All stress was almost gone. I can't  suppress a grin as I tell her the plan. I decide to tell her all about my meeting with Peeves. I tell her about how I asked him to round up all of the Slytherins, and tell them to meet me in our common room.

At the last part, Millicent jumps up from the table.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go to the common room, NOW."

I laugh at this sudden enthusiasm, and she and I leave the library for our common room, where (hopefully) all of the Slytherins are waiting.
Hey guys, thanks for reading. I'm gonna update every 2 days, cuz I already finished this. I got carried away.

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