Mommy Issues

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When we finally reach the landing, there is nothing but chaos. Hogwarts walls are crumbling into thin air, the house tables in the great Hall have been blasted into thousands of pieces, there are people running by us yelling war cries or screaming the names of their friends in desperation.

We stand at the threshold for a while, petrified by the site in front of us. I gather courage, and scream

"Let's go"

To the cue behind me. We are running to the battle, both sides of the war notice our parents, but no one does anything because they're not sure which side we are on. We keep running, pass the open doors to the grounds, and through the courtyard. As we run, I look around for Professor McGonagle, but there's no sign of her.

A misfired spell Comes in my direction, inches away from my head, I duck the other way, the spell flies past my head but hits a third-year student behind me. I hear the soft squeak of her, and a thud behind me. Another girl stops to help her, but someone else grabs her and pulls her to keep fallowing us, and leave the girl behind.

We keep running to the open grounds, as we run misdirected spells keep flying past us. We finally make it to the gates that lead to Hogsmead, I allow the younger students to leave, then turn to the remaining students (all of whom are in 7th year). They're about 15 of us left, I turn to them and ask,

"Are any of you going to fight for You-Know-Who? Because if you are, please separate yourself from this crowd, we don't want McGonigal to fight against us."

Nobody says anything, so I take that as a no and continue,

" all right then, I need to find McGonagle, you guys should split into pairs and fight, avoid the other Hogwarts students until I talk to McGonagle and clear our names."

They disperse into pairs, then leave with their partners in opposite directions, their wands out, ready for the fight. Millicent stays behind, and I know it's because she is my partner. I smile at her, turn back to Hogwarts, and run to find professor McGonagle, Millicent in my wake.

We sprint back into the courtyard, into the great hall doors, and tours of fighting professor Flitwick; all whilst dodging 50 spells flying our way. We halt, 20 feet away from Flitwick.
The death-eater he is fighting is beating him. Flitwick's movements are not quick enough to keep up with her. Flitwick is able to knock her hood off, and my heart stops.

My mother lifts her head, waves her wand, and strikes Professor Flintwick. I don't know how, but my feet seems to drag me in between her and Flitwick. I raise my wand, and in my head I think the spell "protego". An invisible shield pops in front of Flitwick and I, my mother's spell rebounds, and hits her in the chest. She crumples to the floor, and stops moving.

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