Another Perfect Day

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Ryan's P.O.V.

I wake up from the greatest dream ever. Like always i woke up early. I look at the clock it reads 4:57 A.M. Wow. I woke up super early. Knowing that school dosemt start until 7:59 or 8:00 to be exact i decide to write in my diary a lil bit.

Dear Diary,

Another day, Another life, another way to prove im awesome.

I cant wait to see Penelope and Ruby my two bestfriends. They said they have some juicy gossip to tell me. And of course everyone knows I LOVE DRAMA! And also Braedon said he has a big suprise for me. Ugh I love my life way to much. Anyways gtg take a shower. See you at 2:30 P.M.

I put away my diary in its NEW SUPER SECRET HIDING PLACE. Under tje cabniet in a loose wooden plank. Only so my brothers cant find it.

I undress myself and jump into the shower brushing through my long wavy locks of hair. And of course I sing my favorite song of all time Blank Space by Taylor Swift.Knowing the song is over and it has been 3 minutes i finsih brushing my hair quickly and jump out.

I put on my new dress. Its a brand dress from Banana Republic

And its blue short and has a cute black see through shirt to go with it then i do my hair simply putting it in the curling iron. Just to make it more wavy.

I go out to the kitchen to eat my breakfast. Bananas and Strawberries and of course a latte. I just start to put my diah away when my brother walks down stairs. OH NO! He has something in his hand i hope its not my diary!

"Hey sis" He says with a snarled look on his face. "Hey" i say softly and frail. "Whats in your hand?" "Oh nothing much just your" "MY WHAT" "My lunch"

"Oh" I say pretty awkwardly.

"Come on its almost time for school"

I walk to his car and on the clock it says 6:07 Ugh his clock is always 1 hour behind it gets annoying.

~~~~~~At School~~~~~~

I find Penelope and Ruby standing outside of the office

"WHATS THE NEWS" Like always Rubys gonna explain she better at explaning stuff. "Theirs a new girl in town her name is Maddie Cole And her sister Kenzie Cole" "WHAT ARE THEIR FULL NAMES?" "Madison Carrey Cole and MacKenzie Jena Sia Cole" "Wow nice names but not better than mine" "Lol Ryan your just to weird" Hey, IM POPULAR ARENT I" We all leave laughing our hearts out.

~~~~~~1st Period~~~~~~

"Hello class" Says Mrs.Jhonson

The class just mumbles with agony. Today we have a new student, her name is Madison Cole you may call her Maddie. And so her sister Mackenzie Cole. But again you may call her Kenzie." Again the class mumbles but like always i raise my hand.

"Yes Miss.Gomez" "Umm is this so called new student pretty" the whole class stares at me like im crazy they all know im not ever scared of someone being prettier than me Ryan Brandy Jewls Gomez.

The teacher just laughed at me and said "Haha how funny Miss. Gomez since when are you scared of someone being prettier than you!" "Since i was born" i roll my eyes at that little evil troll.

*Maddie walks in*

The whole class just stares INCLUDING MY OWN BOY FRIEND!

"Hi is this Mrs.Jhonsons class" Madison asks with a normal voice thats NOT BETTER THAN MINE.

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