Maddie and Kenzie

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Maddie walked in with her blonde hair and blue eyes. She carried a canary yellow handbag. She sat at her assigned desk with Kenzie following her. Maddie eyed me like she was all perfect and that. Does she know who she is dealing with here!? My boyfriend smiled at her. Omigosh! Is he crushing on her!? Maddie flipped her blonde hair at me and tried to look all flirty. All the guys in class gushed.

Class was finally over and Maddie came up to me. "Excuse me, but I think your clothes are just hurting my eyes!" She sneered. I pointed to my tongue with a disgusted look on my face "Same way to you!" I shot back. She shrugged with a sarcastic smile on her face and strutted away.

"Hi, Ryan could you─" Braedon asked.

"Um, let's!" I said, storming away.

I walked to my next class, biology. GREAT! MacKenzie is here this time. She was a tomboy. She dressed in button up shirts and didn't wear as much makeup. She was a pro in football and got into the team that quickly. Braedon and Penelope were in my biology class. And Braedon is on the football team too! Is it me or is my life just getting worse with these bozos around?

Penelope was sporty, but she doesn't participate in any sports other than soccer. She smiled at me and sat at her desk. Braedon sat in front of me and─oh no─ Kenzie sat to my left! My life is just not on its regular basis today.

Kenzie isn't really a lady or a gentleman. She just acted like a boy. Burped, cussed, joked. No manners at all.

Mrs. Korrino greeted us and started the lesson of the heart. "Now you see here, this is the vena cava..."

I twirled my hair at Braedon. He didn't even look! He was staring at Kenzie, watching her flip her pencil on an eraser. Mrs. Korrino kept teaching about the circulation of the body and pulled down a chart. I didn't care about the lesson now, I cared about my boyfriend!

Biology was over. Kenzie met with Braedon to go to football practice. Their big game was on Saturday.

I finished the rest of my boring classes and went home. Hopefully, tomorrow isn't gonna be worse!

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