Maddie's 18

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Ryan's P.O.V~~~

I arrived at Maddie's mansion around 5. I carpooled with Ruby and Braedon. I wore an elegant white gown! Maddie just hopes she─woah! When she says mansion, she meant a castle! I mean─I'm not jealous...

"Hey, Ryan! Can you help Braedon...he doesn't like his white tux..." "Why did he wear it then?" "His mom told him his black tux was at the cleaners." "Ugh, Braedon just cover yourself up with a blanket."

I walk into the castle─I mean─house. There was PINK everywhere! A chocolate fountain, a huge cake, and...O can't believe I'm saying this...a beautiful Maddie sculpted out of glass... She also was wearing a black dress laced with golden thread in the stomach region.

" you know that girl...why the heck is she smoking...dressed in her shirt and jeans." I asked. "Ooo, I forgot to tell you Maddie had a sister named Marianne..." "So what's her full name...?" "Marianne Sherri Belinda Cole."

We walked to what looked like a pink stage and saw Maddie signing her photographs. Then, Marianne went up to her.

"Ugh, Maddie, *cough*, when will you ever give up pink? Why not try: Don't blind my eyes color?" "I like her!" I said to no one in particular. "How about you stop polluting my house, and shoo?" "Uh, you mean our house?" "Um, no you got kicked out!" "Whatever, Madly ugly." Then, Maddie walk to Kenzie at the snack table...

Then, I think Maddie walked up to her room or upstairs...I wonder what she is up to...

I saw Braedon hanging out with his friends in the garage with the band...wait...THIS WAS JUST LIKE MY DREAM! I guess I'll have to find out what fate will bring me to...

I felt like getting some fresh air, so I went to the balcony at the third floor. I tried to stay as inconspicuous as possible. The view actually looked nice! The night sky filled with stars...and that fountain I saw out side shooting water.

I went back down to the garage to check on Braedon. I knew it! He was hanging out with another girl! Wait...she looked kinda like me...her hair is blackish-brown, her eyes are brown, her dress is white, and she's wearing purple smoky-eye like me!

I can't believe what just happened next!!! SHE KISSED HIM!!! SHE KISSED HIM!!! Oh, I will jack up her little cloned FACE!!! Then, I walked back to that same couch! I didn't even know it was the same until I sat on it! She came up to me, but I kicked her stomach before she got to talk! "Why did you kiss my freakin' boyfriend!?" "Look again, Gomez." The girl took a strand of hair and ran one finger on it. The hair turned BLONDE! Then, she opened one eye and took out her contacts! It turned BLUE! I'm getting an obvious idea who she is! She took off her gown and her dress looked like MADDIE'S! MADDIE KISSED MY BOYFRIEND!

That was the last straw! I tackled her and tried to rip her black locks off her HEAD! I painfully punched her arm and kicked her side! Then, I took the punch bowl and dumped it on her black hair to soak off all the black dust on her hair.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR RUNNING MY LIFE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. At this point, Maddie was fake crying though my kick didn't do enough damage. "Omigosh, girl, I'm starting to feel something common between us!" Marianne said. I said nothing and told Maddie to stand up. "Listen, Maddie! Why are you trying to be popular!? Than me actually!?" "Listen, bozolina! I am popular!" Then, she went back to her room! I followed her there. I tried to be sneaky so she won't notice.

~~~In Maddie's House of a Room~~~

Maddie's room was like a person's house! And actual house! There's just no kitchen, but a fridge and cabinet! The lights flickered on from the left in the hall. I walked into her living room. I glanced to the left and there was a closed pink door. The light was coming from a tiny lit corridor. So when you walk to the door, to your right I'd the bathroom. Perfect, maybe I could eavesdrop on her, and when she comes, I'll hide in the bathroom! Or run down the corridor to hide in the living room.

This is what I heard when eavesdropping:

Maddie: Kenzie, I can't believe Ryan doesn't know why I want to be popular!

Kenzie: Whatever...

That's all I heard until Maddie's mom and grandpa came into her room... I hid in the bathroom because the entity was coming from the hallway. I tried to stay still in the shower while I took a glance at her mom and grandpa. I eavesdropped on them too:

Mom: Hey, Maddie, I got a complaint that you kissed someone who already has a girlfriend?

Grandpa: Yes, Maddison! You are one big playah!

Mom: Calm down, dad. What I'm saying is, you get consequences doing that. Do do it ever!

Maddie: Fine, mom.

Then, Marianne came too! C'mon, how many people are going to see Maddie!?

Marianne: Hah, you idiot! I was laughing when you got beat up! I took a video of it! Lossser.

Maddie: Gimme that phone, you can't post it! Don't worry, half the school already saw it, how about the world sees what happens when you kiss Ryan's boyfriend...

I didn't even know she knew me! I'm pretty sure some other people told her who I was though...

~~~At Home~~~

"Pretty rough fight, wasn't it?" Braedon said, breaking the silence. "Yeah, it's okay, it's not your fault..." I went to the fridge to take out a soda for us. "Ryan, what will happen to your popularity then...?" Ruby said after a sip. "We'll just have to wait until Monday." "Bye, Ryan and Ruby. My sis is here." I waved and watched TV with Ruby until 4 in the morning.

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