Possible Frendship?

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Ryan's P.O.V.

I wake up. Wow that was a crazy night. Oh well. I gotta get to school im nearly late. I rush into my newest Bikini only because we are going to the beach for a field trip. But its only for my photography class and thankfully Penolope Ruby  Braedon Drake Maddie and Kenzie are in that class and also Missy. (Missy is Ryans sister)

    ~~~~~~~At school~~~~~~~

I saw Drake he looked badly bruised. I also saw my friends i smiled at them but thats it. I saw.... Braedon he looked kinda happy. And so was Kenzie. Well  its a new day maybe we can all become friends. I walk up to Maddie.......

"Hi Maddie" "Oh Its you Hi Ryan" "Do you think we can be friends Cause Maddie  its only fair we just start over" "Oh sure Ryan see you at the beach" "ok bye oh and by the way were a going tk Cindys Bar later on Jaycee is coming" "ok bye Ryan" "Bye Maddie.

Wow that was easier than i thought. Oh well.

Ryan's p.o.v.

  We walked off the bus to Mystic Beach the prettiest Beach in History. I walk up to Braedon and Thankfully he still loves me he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We took our Phototgraphy but school was almost over so we all left.


We all walk in with our Fake ID'S we see other teens like always. I go to geg a drink for all of us. After we all had 12 shots we were pretty drunk. Jaycee asked for another drink so i went a got him one not knowing what was happnening since I was drunk.

  When Ryan got the drinm from the bar the bartender thought  she was going to drink it. When she wasnt paying attention he drugged the Drink.

   I walked back to Jaycee and handed him his drink. He swalowed it whole well except  the glass obviously. He fainted! 

  Braedon was so worried and so was Maddie and Kenzie.

    "What happened" Braedon said nervously  "I dont know i just handed him the drink i got from the bartender" i said studdering. Braedon went up to the bartender and got in a fight it was ALL OVER THE NEWS can this day get any worse.

   I look at my watch it reads 11:59 have we really been here that long! We rushed Jaycee to the nearest hospital. Wich was Hôpital de la douleur wich meant Hospital Of Pain well thats what Drake told me. Well another french place at least Drake speaks French.

  "Bonjour, nous devons aider cet enfant a été droguée d'un barman se il vous plaît aider à se relever" said Drake " Monsieur Ok nous allons le mettre dans la salle d'urgence stat" The pretty nurse said but seriously she was really pretty. "Merci madame" "Vous êtes le bienvenu"

~~~~~~~~~1 Hour Later~~~~~~~~~~~

The nurse walks out of the room and Drake says "Peut-il enregistrer" "Non, monsieur, je suis désolé pour votre perte"

He had told us that it was to late and she was sorry for our loss. We all cried Braedon cried the most Jaycee was his bestfriend.  We all went home late and we all drived together but something wasnt right at my house.

    I realized what if Maddie didnt come. Would something be diffrent. Oh well i might as well think about it tommorow morning or never. Most likeley never. I put on my pajamas and walked to my bed and turned on the tv. Later on it was like 2:30 and Friday night. I walked downstairs to make myself some cereal. And then walked back upstairs to eat it.

     When i was watching tv i fineshed my cereal and put it on the floor. I chrased while watching Zoey 101.

♡♡♡♡♡♡Sweet Dreams♡♡♡♡♡♡


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