Weird Dream

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Ryan's P.O.V~~~

   I have this weird dream where I'm at Maddie's house. I have no idea what this means. I see Maddie and Kenzie near the table with desserts talking about me...

   Braedon and his football buddies are rough housing in the garage where they have the band playing.

   The lower class popular girls are flirting with some of the preps.

   And I'm just sitting on a couch...looking at everybody having so much fun...wait, why am I not having fun? What position am I being put in?

   Then Maddie comes up to me. "Listen up! I only invited you because my mom said so! I don't even think you are even lower class geek!"

   Wait...what? I thought she agreed on being friends...does this all mean something? As in I'm not going to be popular anymore!? Was Maddie being sarcastic when she said she'll come to my house!? WHAT IS HAPPENING!?

   Then I wake up! I realize it's Saturday, and the big game is coming up at 2:00. I have to get ready; it's already 11:57!

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