The Rumors

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Ryan's P.O.V~~~

   I seriously haven't written in my diary lately, so I'm going to remove it from its hiding spot.

   Dear Diary,
      I'm so sorry I haven't talked to you in a long time because of this brat named Maddie! I'm overwhelmed with lots of stuff and school and drama, but I hope I can keep you updated. Off to another stressful day...

   I finished writing and hid it back in its spot. I dressed up and drove with my brother to school. When we drove up the driveway, I saw girls winking and snickering at me. What happened this time?
   I went to my locker and more people were winking and snickering and repeating. What's happening!? Penelope scurried to my locker now.
   "Have you heard, Ryan? Braedon has a CRUSH on Maddie now! I can't believe it!" "No, he doesn't." "It's the rumors! He winked at her then snickered! That's why people keep on doing that to you!" "Oh, geez."
   During Ms. Laverra's class, Maddie was rudely judging my skills! Like, seriously give it a break!
   "Gross why are you choosing the color brown!?" "It's not brown it maroon." I said through gritted teeth. "Maroon 5? They're awesome. I didn't know they were a color?" "Oh, you're so stupid." So, I heard that I'm prettier than you! You know cause your boyfriend likes pretty girls...?" "I know he doesn't like you."
   We were silent for the rest of the class. I made a maroon sundress and a teal and white tank top with jean shorts. Not to brag, but Maddie's clothes are more "stupider" looking than mines. The sleeves are not even, and the stripes on her American flag jeans are totally crooked. Worst partner EVER.
   Five minutes before class, I admired my clothes. The sundress rocked if you were on a trip to Hawaii during the setting of the sun! The tank top and shorts are mote for a casual summer noon. The duck taped headband would work with the tank top-shorts outfit. I also painted black sunglasses with white and blue roses then bedazzled it with rhinestones. I made a pink laced T-shirt that goes over a plain white spaghetti strap tank top. Perfect! It would go great with jeans!
   "Alright, class! Times up! Remember, on Wednesday, 7 different garments are required!" Ms. Laverra announced. Oh, great...I made accessories! All that time I could have finished up my new sundress!
   The class was finished, and I walked to my locker to head to Chemistry class. Braedon's there! Let me clear things up.


Braedon's P.O.V~~~

   I really want to avoid Ryan the week! It's just the rumors...about me and Maddie...are...well,'s true. I did wink and giggle at her, but I...was you do I explain this!? I need to talk to Ruby.
   "Hey, um, Ruby? Can I talk to you─well, I need advice! You know those rumors about me and Maddie? I want to know if Ryan I liked...Maddie..." "You like her!?" "From the beginning, yes. I'm a bad boyfriend! I kept it a secret from everyone, but when I told Becker at her party that I liked her, the whole thing got out, and─" "Hold up, player! What do you see in the devil?" "Wut?" "Maddie." "I think she's well...nicer to me you know? Ryan doesn't talk to me that much. Maddie just comes up to me and compliments me when I'm at my locker or something. Ryan doesn't do that...anymore." "I see. How about I get on this too?" "Why? When?" "No I'm going to tell Ryan what you've been─" "Don't do that!" "No, I'm going to tell her that she's been ignoring you." "Okay, but that's just not the same. I still like Maddie!" "Aye-yiy-yiy. I'll make her mean." "How?" "By pissing her off frequently."
   At chemistry, Ryan smiled at me and took out the goggles from the box under the table. "Hi, Braedon." "Hi..." "So, I heard about the rumors, but I know it's not true!" "Ye-yeah." "It's not true. Right?" "No, I mean yes." "Braedon, you're hiding something." "Like what?" "That you like Maddie!" "Wha-what!? How did you..." "Ruby told me." "Aw, man." Then we never spoke...because we...broke up.

Ruby's P.O.V~~~

   Okay, maybe I feel really bad. But, I told Ryan that she said to us recently: If there's any bad news with Maddie, you better tell me no matter how bad it really is.
   So it's not my fault. It's lunch time. Now it's just me Ryan and 50 upper class preps. That's a lot better than last time though! It was just four, then three. Now it's about 52. Gotta go catch up with Ryan!


   Ryan's been acting weird lately. "Hey, Ryan? You okay?" "Yeah, it's just I'm not sad about our breakup, but mad." "Oh, okay." We ate our lunches, and Ryan finally said something good today. "You know what? I need to get serious dirt on her! I'm so glad one of the upper class preps is Fauna! That gossiper everybody believes! I'll need to get some dirt on Maddie in the bathrooms again."

Ryan's P.O.V~~~

   Alright, I'm in the bathroom with my cell phone again. Time to take the video. Maddie walks in with Bevitha again. But before they even started talking trash they checked every stall! I'm in serious trouble. Wait, I know what to do! I'll slide into the ones they already checked by crawling under that space. Maddie kicked open the first one, the second one, then the third one I was in, but I was already in the first stall. I'm so clever. She was done checking the last stalls and started talking to Bevitha:

Maddie: You know...all these people who are following me, are gonna be cool and pretty awesome! But since they used to follow Ryan, then they will be ugly and annoying like her! I only came to this school to become Prom Queen in a few weeks! Then, everybody will like me, and not her! I mean look at her! She has boring colored hair and a fat nose!

Bevitha: Listen, I don't care, and I don't know why you hate her guts. Just forget about it.

   Then, she left. Maddie didn't care. All she wanted was fame I guess.


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