Drake Got Pranked

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Penelope's P.O.V~~~

   In my mind...I just think this stuff is stupid. Such a big deal out of being popular! I seriously do understand what Ryan is going through, but next time, Ruby has to shut her mouth sometimes. Great, it's lunch...hopefully boyfriends and frenemies don't get in the way of game time for me...


   "Maddie stole our table again! Her entourage all scrambled for their seats before I sat there!" "You mean before me, Ruby and, you sat there...as in we?" "Whatever! But I am so getting annoyed! She's taking over my life!" "Maybe you should just take your life back then, genius." "What's with the attitude? Your team lost again?" "No.. it's nothing." I know I'm in that spot of being a tomboy and a girly-girl, but I just don't have the girly-girl attitude. I'm just act like a tomboy, but dress as a girly-girl. Now, I just get the feeling she doesn't care about us anymore...to clarify, Ruby, Braedon, and me.

   "Hey, Penelope? Are you mad at me? If you are, then please tell me..." "I told you I'm not mad...it's nothing."

   At that point, we all ate our lunch and got on with life...

Ryan's P.O.V~~~

   Braedon has been acting a bit weird lately. I'm pretty sure he's always coming up with pranks because he won the bet. "Ryan! I have an idea for the prank I'm gonna pull on Drake!" Yup...just as I thought. "What is it?" "I'm going to...need your help planning!" "You just can't find a plan bad enough?" "Yeah..." "So I'll meet you at your house tomorrow...and then we plan the prank!


   "Penelope? Where are you?" I walked to Maddie's entourage...

   "Penelope!? What are you doing in Maddie's group of minions!?" "I'm going to be a part of her entourage!" "But...why? You're my best friend and..." "Give up, Ryan! I'm not taking your side anymore! It's obvious you're not popular anymore!" "And to think you were one of my friends..." "Look at this! She has groups of people who were part of your entourage! Lots of them too...all of them! You only have Ruby and Braedon left! So good-bye!"

   You know...it's hard to really find out who your real friends are...she betrayed me...

   "Ruby? I need to talk! Ruby?" Where was she!? In Maddie's entourage too? "Oh, sorry Ryan! Out teacher dismissed us late from class..." "Yeah...um, do you know what happened to Penelope?" "Of course! She nearly sprained─" "No...she joined Maddie's entourage." "What!? I'm supposed to be the first to know...but seriously...I can't believe she back stabbed us!" "I know..."

~~~After School~~~

   "Ryan, you wanna come to my house now? My sister came back from collage a few days ago! She can drive us!" "Of course, Braedon!" Braedon's older sister, Zufa, was a major in chemistry because she wished to be a scientist. She had soft frizzy hair and a nice smile. His sister pulled up the drive way. Then, we drove to Braedon's house...

~~~At Braedon's~~~

   "Hi, Ryan! You look lovely today." Zufa said. "Thanks. You too." We walked into the orderly house and went into Braedon's cluttered room. "I think you need to clean up, dude..." "I know...one time I almost got lost in the old newspaper zone..."

   We started coming up with funny, humiliating pranks. "Should we...trap a skunk and throw it at him, so then it farts on him or..." "You really need help, Braedon." "I know that's why I asked." "No, we should actually spray paint his football uniform pink!" "This is why I ask you first! That's brilliant!" "We just need permanent pink paint."

~~~Really Later~~~

   "Where's his uniform?" I asked. "It's somewhere in his locker I think." "It's not going in the boys' locker room!" He shrugged. "Sometimes in life, you just have to deal with certain things...and people." "Ugh...true. Let's go then..."

   We walked in the forever stinky room. Braedon jacked the small door to Drake's locker and grabbed his shirt. I set down a huge cardboard mat, so we don't leave any tracks on the floor.

   "Hey, Braedon? Do your parents know you're going to the store to get some stuff?" "Um...no." "Oh, great."

   He sprayed the shirt and let it dry for a few minutes. He put it back in Drake's locker. "Oh, shoot!" I said. "What?" "How are we supposed to fix Drake's locker?" "I just...straighten it..."

~~~A little while later...~~~

   "Done─hey, Ryan? Wake up!" "Wut!? Oh you fixed it! Let's head home before your parents start getting suspicious."

   We walk out of the school when we saw...

   "What in the world are you guys doing at school at 8?" Zufa said. I got really nervous there...and panicked... "Well um, you see...Braedon told me her forgot his math so we had to find it..." "Yup...Let me let mom and dad know then..." "No, wait! We were just pranking Drake!" Braedon said. Zufa just rolled her eyes and told us to go home.

~~~Friday Morning~~~

   "Woah, Drake...when did your uniform turn pink?" "I don't even know...WHO DID THIS!?" "Haha! Pranked!" "Hey, I bet it was Braedon!" "Yup, it was!"


   "Hey, Ryan! I heard from latest gossip, Penelope said: Yeah, I think it was better when I joined Maddie!" "What!? Omigosh, really. Penelope had been my friend since fourth grade! I thought I depended on her!" "She aslo said she quit sports forever..."

   I stormed back to my class. And out project was due later! Ugh, Maddie is clearly, absolutely destroying my LIFE!



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