12.Chapter Twelve

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You know how to drive?

The Funeral was messy like all of your family meetings, but this one was different. They were fighting, throwing punches and you didn't really want to get involved because you're not trying to be the main character.

But the last punch Luther throws it was about to hit Ben's statue because Diego dodged, so you raise your hand just in time as Luther stops moving before it hits it and you sigh relieved.

"How dare you go near Ben's statue when you're fighting like little kids?" You look at Diego and he looks down with regret as does Luther.

"You were about to destroy the last thing we have of his funeral and you dare to almost destroy it?!" You raise your voice with Five holding the umbrella above you for a while now without you noticing.

Your hand is shaking as you hold him in place, scared to let him go again with the adrenaline making your legs tremble.

"Look what you almost did!" Diego shouts at Luther and Luther points to himself, "Me? You went near his statue!"

"Because of yo-" You cut Diego off as you make Luther walk towards the door. "Just get back inside! Aren't you sick of fighting with him all the time about who's the real number one? Well, fuck number one!"

You let him go, walking back inside with Klaus behind you and you sit down in the kitchen. "I feel like shit."

Luther is a big guy and you have to admit even for him he takes up a lot of your energy. "Well, I might have another pill or two."

Klaus smiles as he takes out a couple of pills holding them out to you. You didn't really want to take them, but they were the only thing that makes you feel good and get your thoughts together.

"Thanks." You were about to take one when someone grabs your outstretched wrist. "What did I tell you?"

You look up at Five and you sigh annoyed. "Come on, Five! Let her have just one." Klaus argues for you as Five holds your hand in place. "I don't care about your drug problems, but don't drag her into this shit. You're just taking advantage of her love for you."

You narrow your eyebrows, ripping your arm away from his grip as Klaus's expression drops. "He isn't dragging me into anything and I'm responsible for my own actions. He didn't force me."

He looks at you now putting his pills back in his pocket looking sad. "Don't feel guilty. I do this because I want to." He gives you a small smile as you wink at him before Five grabs your shoulder and blinks to his room.

"Stop talking to Klaus like that." You sit down on his bed crossing your arms as he looks around his room, searching for something. "If you keep defending him like that this time I'll really think you're in love with him."

He grabs some white chalk and goes to stand on the bed behind you writing on his wall with his shoes on. "So what if I'm in love with him? And don't stand on the bed with your shoes on."

You grab his leg pulling him down and he sighs, stopping his action at calculating. "It would be disgusting. I don't want to see two of my siblings dating and can you stop distracting me? I took you with me to help, not to fuck up my mind with your mind games."

You finally manage to pull him down to sit next to you as you take his shoes off. "Isn't that what we were doing? And we're step siblings and not even blood related, so stop mixing it up."

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