17.Chapter Seventeen

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•Please, tell me what to do•

"Y/n!" You hear a faint voice calling out your name, but the only thing you see before your eyes are darkness.

"Y/n!" You don't know where you are. The voice keeps calling out your name a few times leaving each time an echo behind.

"Where am I!" You scream out, but no one answers and suddenly you're floating above your body.

"Wake up!" You see your body lying dead on the bed and you can feel that your soul has left it empty. "She has no pulse! Mom! Mom! Please, do something!"

You see Diego shaking you as your mom pushes him a bit to the side to take a look at you. "She's gone. There's nothing I can do, Diego."

"No..." He puts his hand in front of his mouth as his eyes fill up with tears not accepting you've died.

"Wake up, Y/n" You sit up, gasping for air as you begin to choke on it while coughing. "Are you okay?"

You see Diego sitting next to you and you guess he was the one that woke you up from that nightmare.

You nod, catching your breath like you haven't tasted air in ages. "I'm fine."

"You were having a nightmare." He puts a comforting hand on your shoulder and you put your hands on your face feeling more tired than before.

"What are you doing here?" You question finding it weird seeing him in your room. "I was worried."

"Why?" He sits down next to you and pulls out a knife to play with as you turn more towards him. "Did something happen with Five?"

Answering a question with another question. Typical Diego.

"Why do you ask?" You decide to play along and he shakes his head with a visible grin on his face, enjoying the game.

"You haven't come out of your room in like two days. You're worrying me, Winnie." The nickname brings back memories as he used to call you that when you were kids, but he stopped when Ben died and you have to admit you missed it.

He gave it to you when you used to sneak out to watch Winnie the Pooh on the tv in a shop because you weren't allowed to watch any cartoons because of your father.

You loved that cartoon.

"I'm on my period." You find an excuse to avoid explaining why you've been feeling so sad lately with not even having the energy to walk to the bathroom and you are suspecting you'll get a bladder infection soon enough if you don't go.

"That's a lie. Don't lie to me, Y/n. Now, tell me what's wrong. If someone messed with you tell me and they're going to get their head smashed against a wall-"

You interrupt him, shaking your head while putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing to reassure him. "I'm fine, Diego. I'm just feeling a bit under the weather."

You give him a smile while he covers your hand on his shoulder with his hand. "That's all?"

You nod and he surprisingly wraps his arms around your shoulders while your eyes widen and a quiet gasp escapes you. "I don't want you to feel sad, Winnie. I only come to this shithole because I want to see you. So, if there is something bothering you, tell me."

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