006 | ❝ MELLIFLOUS ❞

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melliflous (adj.)


- a sound that is sweet and smooth, pleasing to hear.

[ - ㊕๑.✶✧. ⊹ᝰ. ]

author ash here, breaking the forth wall a bit with a character point of view focus change

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author ash here, breaking the forth wall a bit with a character point of view focus change.

for these past few chapters, we've been focusing on emir's side.

and because i chose to.

and i did that for a reason.

crimsyn is a new character, so i had to introduce her personality and a little bit of her personal life and humor.

but, now lets look at the other side.

"dream maybe we sh-" george said, wanting to start explaining a stream idea they should do, but realized his floridian friend wasn't listening.

chuckling to himself,

🔵 Georgenotfound
dream is watching estre's stream again guys

🔵 Quackity

🔵 Karl Jacobs

🔵 Sapnap

"dream? dreaaam? stop being a simp and listennnn" george said, laughing with the other boys in the call.

dream, who was, yes, watching estrenoir's stream suddenly heard the sound of them laughing and moved his attention from the stream to the discord call of the other boys.

"huh? what'd you say?" he said, confused and curious.

his response made the four others laugh even harder.

"DREAM STOP SIMPING ON MAIN" quackity barked a laugh, as the other four heard him almost fall off his chair.

"TRUE" karl laughed almost hysterically, banging his hand on his desk.

dream chuckled lowly, a small blush of embarrassment forming on his face "shut the fuck up guys".

once the person who started the laugh train, george, regained his composure and stopped laughing, "okay okay.. so my idea was... " and he continued his sentence before.


George @georgenotfound
dream is a simp 😍😍😍😍

dream2 @dreamwastaken2
replying to @georgenotfound
Only for you 😍😍😍

Tommyinnit @TommyInnit
replying to dreamwastaken2, georgenotfound

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